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Anales de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas (Asunción)

Print version ISSN 1816-8949


GARCETE, Lidia Deolinda; CALDEROLI, Floriano Eusebio; COLMAN, Agustín  and  RODAS, Jorge Hernan. The perception of educational assistants and medicine students of the clinical cycle of the FCM-UNA medicine career, on the teaching and learning process of the clinical method. An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) [online]. 2020, vol.53, n.3, pp.81-94. ISSN 1816-8949.

The clinical method (CM) is recognized as the fundamental way for the training and development of professional skills, including medical rationality. As a teaching method in the clinical cycle of medical schools, it would contribute to systematize all the skills that comprise it. This qualitative research with a hermeneutical approach aims to understand and interpret the perceptions of teaching assistants and students of the clinical cycle of the FCM.UNA medical career, about the teaching and learning process (E-A) of the same. In the year 2012, they were analyzed as categorical dimensions: didactic strategy, planning, learning, teaching style and evaluation. From the perception of the actors, the great value they give to the CM as a teaching strategy oriented to the development of clinical skills and the logic of the profession, and to practical activities with real cases can be appreciated. There is a friction between a planned teaching according to content or a more flexible one with real patients that makes it possible to face the emergent. Different styles and teaching routines and a certain tension between traditional and progressive styles are appreciated. There is a greater appreciation of practical classes regarding theoretical and concern in the absence of evaluation standards. The practical evaluation with patients is prioritized for learning clinical skills and redirecting the training process. Assuming the validity of the CM as a strategy for comprehensive medical training, the need arises to stimulate it as a teaching method in our institution.

Keywords : Clinical Method; Perception; Teaching and Learning..

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