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Anales de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas (Asunción)
Print version ISSN 1816-8949
FERRO, Esteban and FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS MEDICAS UNA. Comisión Local de Básicas - Proyecto de Innovación Curricular et al. ABOUT THE COLLECTION OF DEMANDS AND NEEDS TO THE DECLARATION OF THE "INTERMEDIUM PROFILE FROM DE BASIC CYCLE". An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) [online]. 2016, vol.49, n.1, pp.39-64. ISSN 1816-8949.
ABSTRACT A learner model is deeply rooted in Basic Sciences: in order to provide encyclopedic and factual knowledge. The departments are independent from each other, with absolute control of their subjects and fragmented development of the programs. The separation between the basic and clinical is manifest. That is probably why basic sciences are disintegrated with professional practice, making difficult the application of knowledge. The opportunity provided by the Curricular Innovation Project involves not only analysis and reflections, but also making real proposals that are linked to medical care, teaching and research, through educational interventions, for best results in the training of doctors in general. Thus, there is a possibility of an instance of identification and reflection of the problems in the formation of the basic cycle, with the aim of strengthening lines of action, from the experience and perspective of each teacher and student. The main formative challenges would be: 1. Defining the role of basic science in medical training, 2. Integrating the subjects of the basic cycle: move from a fragmented curriculum to a competency-oriented training proposal. To do so, the activities should be focused on: articulating the basic cycle with clinical training, improving teaching skills, encourage student self-management skills, integrate knowledge, and encourage research. To do this, it began with the Guidelines of the Curricular Innovation Project (CIP) of the FCM-UNA, structured and advised on the model of Professor Karenina Troncoso, on the basis of current trends of the Superior Education. This first phase of the project consisted of: * The lifting of the demands and training needs from the political, theoretical, scientific and technological point of view of significant references. * The systematization and analysis of information for the determination of formative commitments. To concludewith: * The description of the dimensions or domains of the Basic Cycle. * The Declaration of the Basic Cycle Profile (Intermediate Profile). Key Words: Basic cycle, formative process, social pertinence.