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Anales de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas (Asunción)

versión impresa ISSN 1816-8949


CANO RICCIARDI, F; CHEN, Ch  y  HOSPITAL DE CLINICAS, FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS MEDICAS UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE ASUNCION. Cátedra de Urología. Repair of the post-traumatic urethral stenosis with buccal mucosa Graft. An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) [online]. 2013, vol.46, n.1, pp.77-82. ISSN 1816-8949.

ABSTRACT In 2009, in Paraguay, 6,651 people were injured in traffic accidents. This amounts to 554 cases per month and 18 per days. 47% of the afflicted were riding a motorcycle (3). Posterior urethral ruptures occur in approximately 10% of all cases of traumatic pelvic fractures (4).The present case is about a male patient of 28 years old who suffered a motor vehicle accident, resulting in significant damage to soft tissue, bone and urethral bleeding. The suprapubic cystostomy was performed and the Miccional and retrograde Uretrocystographicy (UCM) later established the diagnosis of multiple urethra stenosis with a important spongiofibrosis in the affected area. During surgery, the stenotic lenghth turned out to be underestimate, with 4cm long including bulbous and membranous urethra so it had to be resected entirety, and the defect was replaced with an augmented anastomosis by dorsal and ventral buccal mucosa graft obtained from the patient in the same surgery. The result was a an anatomical and functional improvement , which could be assess 3 months later by Uretrocystography finding a complete permeable urethral lumen , and the maximum urinary flow was 18ml/seg found in the uroflowmetry. Key words: Urethral Trauma, Posterior Uretrha, Ventral Graft, Dorsal Graft.

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