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Anales de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas (Asunción)

versión impresa ISSN 1816-8949


VELGARA DE APURIL, Martha. Fetal growth evaluation through ultrasound scan, and it's relation with immediate newborn results.. An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) [online]. 2008, vol.41, n.1-2, pp.16-34. ISSN 1816-8949.

Human fetal growth is a very complex process, which is determined through time, were many extrinsic and intrinsic factors are involved. A well done diagnosis of human fetal growth is of paramount importance, because the newborn's present and future life is intimately connected with this part of their life. One of the well known risks is the issued intrauterine growth which reaches 10% in a population at risk, and 5% in general population. Issued growth is characterized by low weight, an increased of morbility and mortality. And a major damage of their future life quality. Objectives: -Determine the concordance between the gestational age by the first day of last menstrual period and the ultrasound scan. Determine the percentage of patients that show a variation in their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimester ultrasound test, all these results according to Cappurro's test. -Determine the variable's frequency. Materials and Method: The descriptive study is temporary predictable in consecutive cases in a population of 161 pregnant women with unique fetus that assisted to the "Centro Materno Infantil del Hospital de Clínicas" for their ultrasound scan, giving as result 332 observations, with the inclusion criteria previously established since year 2002 to 2004; then we relate these observations with the neonatal immediate results, this way we contribute to the appropriate care of detected pathologies. There are no probable samplings of consecutive cases. Results: In the first gestational trimester, the clinic, the ultrasound scan, and the Capurro's test, was of 86 and 88% for a week's variation.91 and 92% if the variation reached two weeks. 90% for a confidence level, the three-month observed fetal growth showed variation of an increased number of cases of the p3 and p10. Conclusions: Among the newborn, 81% were adequate for their gestational age, and 13% were small according to their gestational age. 6% were Large for gestational age (LGA). These abnormalities are associated with a 15.5% of morbility (n=25), which required an intense therapy admission.

Palabras clave : GE (gestational age); FUM (last date of menstrual period); RC(Issued intrauterine growth); RN ( newborn); Test de Capurro (Capurro's test).

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