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Memorias del Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud

versão On-line ISSN 1812-9528


COUSIRAT, Tania Bavera; TOLEDO, Ninfa Jacquett  e  DAVALOS, Patricia Escobar. Ex vivo post-instrumentation qualitative evaluation comparing three techniques: Step Back - Oregon modified by F.O.B - Protaper Rotary Technique. Mem. Inst. Investig. Cienc. Salud [online]. 2017, vol.15, n.2, pp.37-44. ISSN 1812-9528.

The aim of this study was to evaluate qualitatively the regularities of root canals prepared with different techniques: Step Back - Oregon modified by F.O.B and Protaper. Thirty ex vivo root canals of single-rooted teeth with a single root canal were used. The canals were instrumented as follows: G1 (n=10) Step Back, G2 (n=10) Oregon modified by FOB and G3 (n=10) Protaper tecniques. Once instrumentation finished, impression material was injected into the root canal. After casting of the impression material, the teeth were decalcified to obtain molds of the root canals that were photographed with 20x magnification using a digital Dino Lite plus microscope to analyze the uniformity of the instrumentation on the thirds using the three techniques that were classified into: WIC (well instrumented canal), RIC (regularly instrumented canal) and PIC (poorly instrumented canal). The results shown predominance of WIC for the Protaper technique in the middle and apical thirds, in the apical third for the three techniques and the apical third for the modified Oregon technique, being the worst results for the Step Back and Oregon techniques in the middle third, and for the Step Back in the apical third. There were no statistically significant differences in the effectiveness of the Step Back, modified Oregon and Protaper techniques when the thirds molds were analyzed qualitatively. We conclude that the crown-apical techniques resulted in more uniform and better quality instrumentation than the Step Back technique.

Palavras-chave : root canal preparation; molding; instrumentation; Protaper; Step Back; Oregon modified by FOB..

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