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Memorias del Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud

versão On-line ISSN 1812-9528


ALMIRON, Patricia A et al. Oral health conditions in elderly of the geriatric club “Abue-Club” in Paraguay. Mem. Inst. Investig. Cienc. Salud [online]. 2016, vol.14, n.1, pp.32-39. ISSN 1812-9528.

The objective of the study was to describe the oral health conditions of people over 60 years from the geriatric grandparents club, Virgen de Fatima Parish-San Lorenzo-Barcequillo-Paraguay. It was a cross-sectional study carried out in adults over 60 years, which included oral examination, evaluation of post-stimulus saliva and a survey to assess diet, oral hygiene and access to health services. Sixty three point nine percent (63.9%) of those tested were women with a median age of 72.6 years and 68.8 years for men. The overall DMFT index was 23.4, with a prevalence of 75% active caries. Thirty three point three (33.3%) were edentulous (39.1% women and 23.1% men) and 83.3% had more than half his teeth missing, which was observed more frequently in women: 86.9%. A prosthesis was used by 69.4% and 56% had full dentures. The prevalence of periodontal disease by Russel Index was 66.7%, 70.8% with destructive bone lesions and/or periodontal pockets. Eighty nine percent of the population had fluid saliva and 75% normal amount (>1 ml). Fifty six percent (56%) went to dental services one year or less before the study and this was more frequent in women (69.5%). The study group showed marked deterioration of their oral health, characterized by partial and total edentulism, with high frequency of the use of a total prosthesis. Therefore, there is an urgent need for health promotion, with emphasis on the prevention of tooth loss and alternatives prosthetic rehabilitation.

Palavras-chave : oral health; old person; DMF index; dental caries; saliva.

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