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Memorias del Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud

versão On-line ISSN 1812-9528


ASCURRA, Marta; GIMENEZ CABALLERO, Edgar  e  SAMUDIO, Margarita. Towards universal health coverage in the newborn screening. Mem. Inst. Investig. Cienc. Salud [online]. 2015, vol.13, n.2, pp.114-125. ISSN 1812-9528.

Universal health coverage (UHC) has been the main focus of discussions on the reform of health systems. Since 2000, the challenges posed to meet the Millennium Development Goals have pointed out the need for a "return of the state" in the field of health. Consequently, commitments and responsibilities corresponding to Governments in their obligations towards citizens were renewed and, with it, a new kind of engaged and supportive participation to solve specific and urgent problems for the development of peoples. The UHC will ensure that all people receive the health services they need without having to go through financial shortages to pay for them. For a community or a country can reach the UHC several requirements must be met, such as: a solid health system, a funding system for health services, access to essential medicines and technologies, and well-trained health personnel. Newborn screening programs are an essential part of any health service. The country should guarantee that all newborns have access to timely screening and treatment, without the families incurring in considerable costs and having to make the payment at the time of receiving the service. In Paraguay, great efforts are being made towards achieving universal coverage in newborn screening. The present article highlights the current situation of newborn screening in the country in the Latin American context.

Palavras-chave : Newborn screening; universal coverage; Paraguay.

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