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Memorias del Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud

versión On-line ISSN 1812-9528


RODRIGUEZ ACOSTA, F et al. Frequency of gens that codify virulence factors in Staphylococcus aureus isolated from children attending the Niños de Acosta Ñú Pediatric General Hospital in 2010. Mem. Inst. Investig. Cienc. Salud [online]. 2015, vol.13, n.1, pp.58-66. ISSN 1812-9528.

Staphylococcus aureus is a pathogen that has the ability to successfully infect different tissues, because it carries genes that confer antibiotic resistance, virulence factors and its high genetic plasticity, that could contribute to a quick and complicated disease progression. Paraguay does not have epidemiological data indicating the virulence factors presented in S. aureus strains. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the virulence profile by molecular methods detecting the codifying genes of: α and β hemolysin, enterotoxins A, B, C, D, H and exfoliative toxins A and B. This descriptive observational study with non-probability sampling of consecutives cases, included 50 S. aureus isolates obtained from clinical specimens from skin secretions, soft tissue or body fluids of patients younger than 17 years who attended the Niños de Acosta Ñú Pediatric General Hospital in 2010. The PCR reactions included the detection of the following genes: sea+seb+sec+ADNr16S, hlA+hlB, eta+etb, sed and seh. The 82% of the isolates came from children skin and soft tissue infections and 18% came from invasive diseases such as sepsis, osteomyelitis and pneumonia. The Panton Valentine leukocidin, which data was previously obtained, was the most frequently virulence factor detected (58%), followed by alpha (16%) and beta (8%) hemolysins. Enterotoxins and exfoliative toxins were less frequent (0-2%) and the enterotoxins C and D genes were not detected.

Palabras clave : Staphylococcus aureus; virulence factors; PCR.

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