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Revista científica en ciencias sociales

On-line version ISSN 2708-0412


DE LA CRUZ-TORRES, Yanina Ysabel; MOLINA-GUILLEN, Jan Kei Samir  and  VILLANUEVA-FIGUEROA, Rosa Elvira. Literature review on E-learning in the engagement of insurance companies. Rev. cient. cienc. soc. [online]. 2024, vol.6, e601126.  Epub Dec 01, 2024. ISSN 2708-0412.

The objective of this study is defined as delving into the relevance and impact of e-learning on engagement in insurance companies. It was carried out using an informative bibliographic approach and the content analysis technique was chosen. An exhaustive search for information was carried out through Scopus, SciELO, Redalyc, Dialnet and Google Scholar in 2023. Combinations of keywords were used that included: e-learning, training, engagement, insurance companies and insurance organizations for identification. of the documents. The PRISMA method was applied and 37 were selected for review. The results reveal that the effective implementation of e-learning in the sector stands out as a crucial component for the continuous professional development of collaborators and the improvement of learning and technological infrastructure plays a central role, defining the accessibility to training resources and the ability of platforms to adapt to specific industry demands. It is concluded that the findings of this study highlight the vital importance of e-learning in the insurance sector, as it promotes collaboration, strengthens key competencies and adapts nimbly to the changing demands of the industry.

Keywords : Aprendizaje virtual; sector terciario; servicios; formación; educación a distancia; aprendizaje en línea; Virtual learning; third sector; services; training; long distance education; online learning.

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