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Investigación Agraria

On-line version ISSN 2305-0683


MEDINA AVALOS, Paulo Caetano; GONZALEZ SORIA, Lourdes; BENITEZ LEON, Enrique  and  VILLALBA, Gisselle. Comparison of the initial development of four species in forest restoration plots with three different soil preparation systems in the department of Caazapa, Paraguay. Investig. Agrar. [online]. 2021, vol.23, n.2, pp.86-93. ISSN 2305-0683.

As a result of the advance of the agro-livestock frontier, the Alto Paraná ecoregion has lost more than 90% of its original surface, currently leaving only isolated remnants of this ecosystem. Thus, this ecoregion’s restoration efforts and their success are key to the conservation of the biodiversity that it harbors. In this context, the objective of this work was to know the initial development of Campomanesia xanthocarpa, Cordia americana, Cordia trichotoma and Melia azedarach under three land preparation systems in a restoration project: i) manual drilling, ii) controlled burning + manual drilling and iii) conventional land preparation; in four plots in the Golondrina farm, Caazapá. The data collected were (a) diameter at neck height (DNH), (b) height, and (c) number of branches. For data analysis, ANOVA and the Tukey-Kramer test were performed. Cordia americana was the species with the best development in the three variables studied in the three soil preparation systems, while Campomanesia xanthocarpa had the lowest development among the four species studied. Cordia trichotoma was the second best-developing species followed by Melia azedarach, which was affected by frost.

Keywords : Campomanesia xanthocarpa; Cordia americana; Cordia trichotoma; Melia azedarach; Forest Restoration; Soil preparation.

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