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Revista Internacional de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales

On-line version ISSN 2226-4000


MARIACA GARRON, Magaly Cristit; ZAGALAZ SANCHEZ, María Luisa; CAMPOY ARANDA, Tomas J.  and  GONZALEZ GONZALEZ DE MESA, Carmina. Bibliographic review on the use of ict in education. Rev. Int. Investig. Cienc. Soc. [online]. 2022, vol.18, n.1, pp.23-40. ISSN 2226-4000.

ICTs in education have a range of pedagogical possibilities and today, with the presence of the COVID19 pandemic, it has marked a before and after for humanity. University education is not alien to these changes, emerging the need to adapt to educational technologies accompanied by didactic and pedagogical strategies to achieve meaningful learning and complement face-to-face classes. This leads to present this scientific review on the use of ICT in education. Different lines of research have been found such as the computer and the digital environment, learning and education, digital skills, COVID19 and its influence on education. The analysis of these lines of research is carried out to guide new works on the use of ICT in the educational field and more in these times of pandemic that contribute to the improvement of teaching-learning processes.

Keywords : Information and communication technologies (ICT); bibliographic review; educational quality; resources and tools.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )