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Revista del Nacional (Itauguá)

Print version ISSN 2072-8174


BAREIRO, Federico  and  DUARTE, Laura. Posición más frecuente de inclusión de terceros molares mandibulares y su relación anatómica con el conducto dentario inferior en pacientes del Hospital Nacional de Itauguá hasta el año 2012.. Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) [online]. 2014, vol.6, n.1, pp.40-48. ISSN 2072-8174.

Introduction: Mandibular third molars are important study for its variety of presentation, pathology and accidents often trigger.The mandibular third molar is the last tooth to erupt into the oral cavity, has greater variety and frequency anomalies in the eruptive process, as well as diseases and accidents that can trigger. Objective: To determine the most frequent radiographic position including mandibular third molar and its anatomical relation to the mandibular canal. Materials and Methods: Retrospective descriptive study with an analytical component. Panoramic radiographs were analyzed from patients attending the Hospital over a period of time, taking into account age and gender. Results: 138 cases were admitted to the study where, as rated by Winter, both right and left mandibular showed more predominance by mesioangular position (56.5%) (58 %) respectively. According to the classification of Pell-Gregory, it was found that for both the third lower right molar (50.7 %) to the lower left third molar (58.7 %) predominated class II. The most common type for the left side was the Type A with 50.7% for the right side and the Type Bwith 50.7 %. Regarding the anatomical relationship with the mandibular canal, it was observed that the vertical positions and mesioangular both with 8% relate more. So, it was verified that 39.1 % of the third molars inferior, whichever side was found in close position. The right side with 17.4% had a higher relationship with the canal. Conclusion: The age group between 18 and 25 years old accumulated higher percentage of inclusion, being also the highest percentage female. Sex both genders predominated the mesioangular position, being in greater proportion to the left. The vertical position and mesioangular were observed more frequently in relation with the inferior mandibular canal.

Keywords : Third molars; including teeth; rash; surgical extraction.

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