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Revista científica en ciencias sociales

versão On-line ISSN 2708-0412


QUINTANA, Beatriz Del Rocío; ENCISO, Manuel; GOMEZ FRETES, Lucia Margarita  e  MORA ROJAS, Celso Obdulio. Mathematics in Biochemistry: a vision from the study programs in paraguayan universities. Rev. cient. cienc. soc. [online]. 2023, vol.5, n.2, pp.48-55. ISSN 2708-0412.

This article is part of the framework of the teaching of mathematics at the higher educational level, specifically in biochemistry careers, and aims to analyze the presence of mathematics in the curriculum of Biochemistry careers in Paraguay. This article derives from the documental analysis, by means of a theoretical sample of the texts recommended as basic bibliography in the subjects that appear in the curricular meshes of the Biochemistry careers accredited in the National Model by the accrediting agency of the quality of the undergraduate careers of the country. and that they were socialized on the official website of said agency. It is noted that all areas of training in the Biochemistry career are directly or indirectly related to some area of mathematics, with arithmetic and algebra being common to all training cycles, although the mathematical operations performed vary from one discipline to another. In the basic or initial training cycle is where a greater variety of mathematical operations are carried out, which is consistent with the type of subjects developed, such as physical chemistry and the various analytical chemistry, applying above all the concepts and problem solving, central themes of analytical geometry and calculus. The findings give the status of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary science to biochemistry in terms of its relationship with mathematics.

Palavras-chave : Mathematics; biochemistry; university; Paraguay; careers; subject.

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