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Compendio de Ciencias Veterinarias

versão On-line ISSN 2226-1761


PEDROZO PRIETO, R et al. HEMATOLOGIC VALUES IN CAPTIVITY TERRESTRIAL TURTLES (Chelonoidis chilensis) IN ASUNCION AND SAN LORENZO CITIES, PARAGUAY. Compend. cienc. vet [online]. 2016, vol.6, n.2, pp.28-35. ISSN 2226-1761.

ABSTRACT. The tortoise Chelonoidis chilensis is a specie of Argentina, Paraguay and southern Bolivia. The aim of this study was to determine the hematological values of Chelonodis chilensis turtles living in captivity in the cities of Asuncion and San Lorenzo, Paraguay. Blood samples were obtained: 1 mL of blood with sodium heparin from a total of 40 animals of the Botanical Garden and Zoo of Asuncion and animals that came to consult at the Veterinary Hospital "Prof. Dr. José Vicente Núñez "of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, National University of Asuncion. Blood counts were performed by manual methods in Veterinary Clinical Pathology Laboratory of the same University. Average and standard deviation of the different variables was determined using the statistical package Infostat student version. The results were as follows. For the red series, average and SD, erythrocyte count 0.31 x 106 ± 0.14 / uL, Hematocrit 17 ± 5.47% and Hemoglobin 4.4 ± 1.7 g / dL. MCV Mean Corpuscular Volume 581 ± 157.21 fL, Corpuscular hemoglobin concentration MCHC 26 ± 4.97 g / dL, HCM 147 ± 42.52 pg. As for the white series, average and standard deviation total leukocyte 5330 ± 4437 / uL. Leukocyte formula: heterophil 66 ± 22.47%; lymphocytes 26 ± 21.01%; eosinophil 5 ± 6.92%; monocytes 2 ± 2.68%; and basophils 1 ± 2.87%. Platelet count 33,000 ± 15788.26 / uL, and Total Protein was 3.1 ± 1.23 g / dL. The results from this investigation will serve as a tool for the comparison and clinical evaluation of the tortoises in our médium and their general health status.

Palavras-chave : hematologic values; total protein; Chelonoidis chilensis; Paraguay.

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