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Reportes científicos de la FACEN

versão impressa ISSN 2222-145X


GUEFOS DE FUSTER, Stella  e  ROMAN DE DEL PUERTO, Marlene. Experimental project for monitoring students in the different academic degree programs of the Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales (FACEN), at the National University of Asuncion (UNA), San Lorenzo. Rep. cient. FACEN [online]. 2023, vol.14, n.1, pp.3-10. ISSN 2222-145X.

This work was carried out with the purpose of having reliable and timely data that collaborates in improving the strategies of academic management at the level of career Departments, through access to the elements of academic orientation that later allow the identification of statistical indicators of monitoring and academic follow-up and implementation of actions that allow the timely graduation of students from the different FACEN degree courses. The study was carried out with 3 (three) Career Departments with their organizational structure: Mathematics, Statistics and Chemistry. The research is quantitative, with an explanatory, longitudinal and non-experimental design. The information was collected from secondary data (effectiveness and efficiency reports) and the survey of 6 (six) academic managers on the perception of the utility of the program, which were analyzed according to the fulfillment of the objectives of the student monitoring pro- gram. and the perception of usefulness. The results showed that the academic managers have the perception that they constitute significant aspects for the fulfillment of their functions and the commitment to carry out the academic orientation to the student for remaining in the academic program that they are studying. To the extent that the capacities and support management are positive, the students will have favorable interactions that will support their participation at the institutional level, which will favor their intellectual and academic development. Finally, it is concluded that at the level of institutional policy it is relevant to manage the sup- port of the abilities and the adaptation of the students, since it will contribute to the generation of a positive balance between academic and social integration, based on the configuration of elements that will support the development of a motivational context that will allow maintaining the commitment of the students for the achievement of the timely graduation.

Palavras-chave : Academic Orientation; monitoring; follow-up; timely graduation.

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