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Revista de la Sociedad Científica del Paraguay
versão impressa ISSN 0379-9123versão On-line ISSN 2617-4731


Rev. Soc. cient. Parag. vol.24 no.2 Asunción dez. 2019

 Artículos Originales
 ·  Measurement of the angular distribution of muons on the earth’s surface
Nuñez, Jesús; Molina, Jorge

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 ·  Ophidism in Paraguay: geographic distribution, physiopathological alterations, and the need for preparing a national reference venom
Borges, Adolfo

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 ·  Study of Araucaria angustifolia nuts by Gamma Spectrometry and X-Ray Fluorescence
Herrera, Edher Zacarías; Andrello, Avacir Casanova; Appoloni, Carlos Roberto

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 ·  Analysis of the activity of oncocalyxone A (Auxemma oncocalyx) and doxorubicin on the in vitro development of porcine oocytes
Revilla, Johanna Leiva; Maside, Carolina; Vieira, Luis; Cadenas, Jesús; Acioly, Ana Clara Ferreira; Paes, Victor Macedo; Agiar, Francisco Leo; Celestino, Juliana Jales de Hollanda; Alves, Benner Geraldo; Pessoa, Otilia Deusdenia Loiola; Toniolli, Ricardo; Rodrigues, Ana Paula; Figueiredo, José Ricardo de

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 ·  Analysis of Pre-school Education from Paraguay through Machine Learning Techniques
Jiménez Chaves, Viviana Elizabeth; Torres, Miguel García

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 ·  Implementation of a Mother Club in Carapeguá Family Health Units. IX Sanitary Region Paraguarí. 2016-2018
Zarza, Aida Maidana de; Goiriz, Nelli; Troche, Gabriela; Insfrán, Judith; Martínez, Deima

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 ·  Determination of indicators and verification sources necessary for the Physical Infrastructure of Higher Education Educational Projects in Paraguay
Flecha, Lilian Graciela Rolón; Chaves, Viviana Elizabeth Jiménez

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 ·  Ilegalism in border contexts between Paraguay and Argentina. The case of Ñeembucú fuelmen
Martens, Juan A.; Veloso, Ricardo D.

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