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Anales de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas (Asunción)

versión impresa ISSN 1816-8949

An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) vol.56 no.2 Asunción ago. 2023 


Postgraduate training

Osmar Manuel Cuenca Torres1

1Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Hospital de Clínicas. San Lorenzo, Paraguay.

Postgraduate training in higher education in the 21st century must emphasize solid training prioritizing learning processes with an eminently productive character, with a graduate updated throughout his professional life and endowed with intellectual and human resources.

The role of postgraduate education in human capital development is unquestionable as a process linked to strengthening and maintaining professional skills that guarantee the quality of work performance.

In the medical sciences, some principles govern postgraduate education and condition the organization, execution, and control of the educational teaching process, such as Teaching-assistance-research integration. Also, the link between study to work and theory with practice. Another is tutoring teaching, as well as continuing and continuing education.

Medical Education is a continuous process that begins with undergraduate training and the grant of a medical degree; the fundamental purpose of this is the training of the professional who, upon graduation, can practice medicine at the primary level of care and then continue his training and improvement through different means.

The constant evolution and diversification of medicine due to the incorporation of scientific, technological advances, epidemiological changes, and the increase in health demands on the part of the community require constant updating.

In that sense, the purpose of the postgraduate training stage in Medicine and Health Sciences, through its different programs and activities, is to train professionals specialized in their various disciplines with clinical knowledge and skills that allow them to establish the best decisions when treating a patient.

The postgraduate programs organized and developed by university organizations are mainly aimed at this purpose and effectively contribute to the development of medicine and to raising the level of specialized medical care required in response to the needs of society.

To achieve this objective, the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM-UNA) initially created the Postgraduate School in 1990 1, which later became Postgraduate Management in 2004 (DPG/FCM-UNA); it has the purpose of contributing to the systematization in operation, implementation, and improvement of specialist training programs, masters and doctorates, training courses and continuing medical education 2.

In the same way, it stimulates and collaborates in the design, supervision, and initiation of the programs, evaluates, certifies, and grants with academic rigor the diplomas that accredit the training and the academic degree achieved.

Similarly, the postgraduate programs developed at the FCM-UNA contribute to strengthening the training and academic development of many institutions; Hospital de Clínicas as the central headquarters, and the external ones such as the Military Hospital, the National Hospital of Itauguá, the General Hospital of Luque, the Hospital Materno Infantil San Pablo, Hospital of Trauma, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Fundación de Ojos, y el Complejo Santo Domingo.

Possessing the status of a School Hospital involves several aspects, such as the control of medical care, teaching with the application of protocols, and the continuous training of health personnel involved in the programs that together manage to strengthen the services by improving the safety and management of the patients who come to them.

Currently, the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the UNA has 52 Specialization programs, 2 Masters and 1 Doctorate in the process of habilitation, and is working with dedication to the updating and accreditation of these programs following the Current Law and the Institutional Strategic Plan with the desire to continue increasing the quality of Higher Education as one of the leading institutional pillars.

To date, 4 Medical Specialties have been accredited: Surgery, Pediatrics, Gynecological Obstetrics, Pediatric Nephrology, and the Master's Degree in Higher Medical Teaching, a reason for institutional pride and commitment.

On the other hand, improving Educational Quality demands updated programs and requires teachers with training to face the current educational challenges. Competency-Based Training courses are offered with that in mind, promoting educational transformation and innovative study programs.

In later years, we see that the increase in the number of graduates of medical careers is not accompanied by a proportional increase in the number of Postgraduate offers, on the one hand, and the concentration of residences and specialization plans in a few educational institutions on the other, constitute a challenge to Paraguayan Medical Education.

Some of the upcoming challenges of the Faculty of Medical Sciences in specialized training are the construction of the Simulation Hospital, the internationalization of postgraduate students, and the strengthening of institutional research to contribute to generating knowledge.

In this sense, from the epistemological basis of the medical and health sciences, the strong impact of new knowledge, access to the development of technologies, and the ever-increasing demands of society about health problems and the quality of life of the population must be considered as focal points to take into account.

Finally, with these lines, I want to greet all the students of the Postgraduate programs, teachers, administrators, and Blanco staff who collaborate in one way or another in training specialists


1. Universidad Nacional De Asunción, Honorable Consejo Superior Universitario (C.S.U.) N° 2861-04-90, Acta N° 627, de fecha 15 de febrero de 1990. [ Links ]

2. Consejo Directivo FCM-UNA. Res. No. 714/04. Reglamento Interno de la FCM-UNA vigente; aprobado por el y homologado por el C.S.U., por Res. No. 490-00-2004. 2004 [ Links ]

Received: July 10, 2023; Accepted: July 25, 2023

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