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Anales de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas (Asunción)

versión impresa ISSN 1816-8949

An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) vol.50 no.2 Asunción ago. 2017 



IM Rodríguez1 

1Directora de la Editorial de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay

In this issue, we will find topics of interest from different specialties, such as a study to assess the level of stress, anxiety and depression in a population of pre-university students in a city of San Pedro. We can also evaluate articles that refer to uncommon pathologies such as cutaneous involvement of systemic vasculitis, analyzing several aspects of the disease; as well as, the report of a giant pulmonary hamartoma, with few cases described in the literature. In addition, a work on urine culture results has been included in the microbiology laboratory of the Hospital of Clinicas.

In the non-alcoholic fatty liver article diagnosed by abdominal ultrasound, it is shown that obesity is the most frequent metabolic disorder of this pathology, which leads to progressive hepatic dysfunction, in addition to the risk of coronary heart disease, with increased mortality. Therefore, it is important to combat sedentary lifestyle, reduce weight and change lifestyle; all this would contribute to the improvement or remission of the disease.

On the other hand, universal access to palliative care is an interesting topic, taking into account the increased number of people in the terminal stage of the disease and who could benefit from adequate treatment and pain relief; with psychological, social and spiritual support, so that they can have a dignified death. This review of the medical literature updates us on everything that is described in relation to a dignified death, considering the fundamental principles of Bioethics, in addition to the legal foundations and international guarantees.

It should also be noted that some uncommon pathologies, such as neuromuscular and respiratory disorders primarily affect the muscles and can be treated with some non-conventional methods. Patients present respiratory complications due to muscle weakness, which is why pulmonary management is important and non-invasive therapeutic options are described, which are not expensive or more complicated than the invasive option; they also contribute to prolong survival and improve the quality of life.

It is also necessary to highlight an interesting aspect that has not been well clarified to date, but with evidence indicating a link between the use of cannabis and the development of schizophrenia. Although it is suggested that cannabis use does not cause a psychotic disorder, its early and intensive use would contribute to the development of the latter. It is a summary exploration of a relevant topic to all health professionals, especially the professionals who are working in the public health sector.

Finally, I thank all the health professionals who have devoted their time to the completion of all the articles, reviews of the literature and researches, and have sent to this magazine.

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