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Reportes científicos de la FACEN
versión impresa ISSN 2222-145X
BAEZ, María del Mar; PAEZ VON SCHMELING, Noelia Andrea y GUIZMARAES TORRES, Liliana. Analysis of performance indicators in the logistics management process: a case study. Rep. cient. FACEN [online]. 2023, vol.14, n.2, pp.190-198. ISSN 2222-145X.
This article exposes a case study to determine if the performance indicators are sufficient in relation to the level of logistics service committed to determine the attributes set out to measure the logistics system, it should be reminded that "everything that cannot be measured, cannot be controlled, what can control us, cannot be managed". methodologically, the work is considered descriptive in nature, since it depicts the way in which logistics performance is currently measured through the application of indicators in the distribution center of Las Tacuaras S.A., a national company in the poultry sector, engaged in the production and marketing of whole eggs and liquid eggs. First, we describe and characterize the company and its organizational structure, and then focus on the logistics process and its composition. Since several departments are involved in the logistics process, and since not all the activities carried out by the departments involved have an impact on logistics performance, we focus only on the activities of the Distribution and Transportation department. A search for existing information in the literature was conducted, specifically on logistics performance, performance indicators, distribution center and logistics, in different media such as the Internet, theses, master's theses, scientific articles, etc., finding little specific material for the poultry sector. The results obtained reveal that the entity has a supply chain, comprised by primary members and support members, where logistics plays an operational role within the organizing, moving the finished product to the distribution channels, and also, as a support process to the manufacturing and product life cycle. In addition, it was found that the entity has a significant level of incorporation of information technology, for the integration of its processes, are exposed to the consideration of the managers of the company, so that they can be used for decision making, as a basis for controlling the use of resources, monitoring the achievement of objectives and identifying opportunities for improvement.
Palabras clave : Logistics; Logistics performance; Performance indicators; Distribution Center.