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Reportes científicos de la FACEN

versión impresa ISSN 2222-145X


MARCHUK LARREA, Cecilia Nicole et al. Trichoderma an ally to agriculture. Rep. cient. FACEN [online]. 2023, vol.14, n.2, pp.183-189. ISSN 2222-145X.

The genus Trichoderma, belonging to the group of filamentous fungi, has become a valuable tool in agriculture due to its properties and multiple uses, particularly its capacity to act as a biocontrol agent against various phytopathogens. The success of this biocontrol agent relies on the combined action of several mechanisms, such as antibiosis, mycoparasitism, competition for space and nutrients, production of enzymes and secondary metabolites with antimicrobial activity, as well as stimulation of plant defense response against pathogens. This review emphasizes the mechanisms of action of Trichoderma as a biocontrol agent, focusing on volatile compounds generation, while discussing its potential for agriculture application. Given its ability for growth inhibition of pathogens, for stimulating plant growth, and for improving soil quality, Trichoderma represents a valuable resource for farmers. Knowledge of these mechanisms can further optimize its use in agriculture to encourage sustainable agricultural practices.

Palabras clave : biocontrol; endophyte; mechanism; sustainable.

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