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Pediatría (Asunción)

versión On-line ISSN 1683-9803


BAEZ DE LADOUX, Diana et al. Risk Factors for Primary Hypertension in Children and Adolescents. Pediatr. (Asunción) [online]. 2014, vol.41, n.2, pp.121-126. ISSN 1683-9803.

Introduction: The incidence and prevalence of primary hypertension in adults are growing, but the risk begins in childhood.  Objective: Assess anthropometric, blood pressure (BP), and physical activity in children and adolescents aged 5 to 18 years. Material and Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional descriptive study that assessed family history, body mass index, arterial pressure, and physical activity. Results: A total of 287 patients, were included, 58% female and 42% male. Age: 11.06 ±2.69 years; with 36.3% overweight or obese, with 31.4% classified as active, 63% as moderately active, and 5.6% inactive. Systolic or diastolic BP ≥90th percentile was found in 17.7%, including both systolic and diastolic in 39.2%, systolic only in 13.7%, and diastolic only in 47.1% (n=24).Patients were classified into one of two groups: Group I (n=236), with normal BP, and Group II with elevated BP ≥90th percentile.In Group I (normal BP), comprising 82.3% of patients, BP was  96.4 ± 8.8/60.3 ± 7, while 32.2% were overweight or obese and 33% had a family history of AHT. In Group II (BP ≥ 90%tile), comprising 51 patients, BP was  111.7 ± 12.9/ 74.8 ± 6.4, while 54.8% were overweight or obese and 66.6% had family history of AHT. Conclusions: Greater percentages of patients in Group II were overweight or obese and had a family history of AHT and  will require long-term follow up and intervention concerning diet and physical activity.

Palabras clave : Blood pressure; arterial pressure; obesity; overweight; child; adolescents; family history.

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