Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista Internacional de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales]]> vol. 13 num. 2 lang. es <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[La identidad y las tareas del investigador universitario]]> <![CDATA[Bienestar psicológico y rendimiento académico en estudiantes de pregrado de psicología]]> Resumen Este estudio pretende determinar la relación que existe entre bienestar psicológico y rendimiento académico en los estudiantes de Psicología de una universidad privada de Tarapoto, Perú. Se utiliza un diseño no experimental de tipo descriptivo correlacional. La población participante del estudio estuvo compuesta por 210 estudiantes de Psicología. Se emplea como instrumento la escala de bienestar psicológico de Ryff de 39 ítems distribuidos en 6 dimensiones: auto aceptación, relaciones positivas, autonomía, dominio del entorno, propósito en la vida y crecimiento personal. Las propiedades psicométricas indicaron que es válido y confiable. Los resultados evidencian que existe una relación directa y altamente significativa entre bienestar psicológico y rendimiento académico (r = 0.300, p&lt;.01), por tanto, cuan mayor sea el bienestar psicológico mejor será el rendimiento académico.<hr/>Abstract This study intends to determine the relationship between psychological well-being and academic achievement in psychology students of a private university in Tarapoto, Peru. A non-experimental, correlational and descriptive design is used. The study sample was composed of 210 psychology students. Ryff’s psychological well-being scale containing 39 items distributed in six dimensions is used as instrument: self-acceptance, positive relationships, autonomy, environment mastery, purpose in life and personal growth. Psychometric properties indicated that it is valid and reliable. Results show that there is a direct and highly significant relationship between psychological well-being and academic achievement (r = 0.300, p&lt; .01); therefore, the higher the psychological well-being, the better the academic achievement. <![CDATA[Percepción de Acuerdos Científicos de Investigadores Naturales y Sociales de Paraguay: Un Análisis Cualitativo]]> Resumen Se presenta un análisis cualitativo de cuatro acuerdos (Inteligibilidad del mundo o estudiar la realidad como objeto; tener actitud crítica; aptitud metodológica y publicar abiertamente los resultados de sus investigaciones), además de otros temas consultados. De una muestra de N= 183 participantes, 97 accedieron a ser grabados en sus respuestas durante la aplicación de una Encuesta sobre Sociología de la Investigación Científica (De la Lama et al., 2013), Versión Modificada Capítulo Paraguay (Coppari, 2015), donde se indaga sobre las reglas o acuerdos que siguen los científicos de Ciencias Sociales y Naturales cuando realizan sus investigaciones. Se evidencia aceptación de los acuerdos por la mayoría de los científicos paraguayos categorizados del PRONII/CONACYT, Paraguay. Las controversias y debates giran en torno al primero y último acuerdo, provenientes, en mayor medida, de los investigadores pertenecientes a las Ciencias Sociales. Se rescatan las palabras del investigador en primera persona para expresar más allá de los números sus vivencias en el quehacer científico.<hr/>Abstract This research presents a qualitative analysis of four agreements (World’s intelligibility or studying reality as an object; acquiring a critical attitude; methodological aptitude; and open publication of the results), and other subjects approached. The sample was composed by N= 183 Paraguayan researchers, categorized by PRONII/CONACYT Paraguay in its 2011 and 2013 callings.97 of them accepted to be recorded while they were answering to the Survey on the Sociology of Scientific Research (De la Lama et al., 2013) Chapter Paraguay Version (Coppari, 2015), intended to ask about the agreements that natural and social sciences researchers follow when doing research. Results show evidence that most researchers accept the existence of implicit rules in scientific work. Disagreements between participants refer to the nature of those agreements, namely the first and last, especially between social scientists. Researcher’s personal words are highlighted beyond the numbers, to show their experiences in scientific work. <![CDATA[The influence of sociodemographics variables on Well-Being at Work and Resilience: A study with nursing professionals]]> Resumo São muitas as atribuições da profissão de enfermagem no atendimento médico hospitalar e um de seus princípios fundamentais é o compromisso com a saúde. Os construtos resiliência e bem-estar no trabalho são fenômenos importantes para discutir a promoção da saúde em contextos adversos e a qualidade de vida relacionada ao trabalho. Empregou-se metodologia de análise descritiva e correlacional dos dados coletados, análise fatorial exploratória e correlação de Spearman. O objetivo foi compreender a influência das variáveis sociodemográficas no bem-estar no trabalho e na resiliência. Participaram do estudo 131 técnicos de enfermagem hospitalar, com idades entre 20 e 69 anos. Os modelos teóricos utilizados foram o inventário de bem-estar no trabalho (IBET -13) e a escala de resiliência para adultos (RSA). Porém, constatou-se influência significativa no bem- estar no trabalho. Essa influência foi, especificamente, na variável setor de trabalho. Os resultados encontrados permitem compreender melhor as dimensões de análises que envolvem o bem-estar no trabalho e os estudos de resiliência.<hr/>Abstract There are many attributions of the nursing profession in hospital medical care and one of its fundamental principles is the commitment to health. Resilience and well-being at work are important phenomena to discuss health promotion in adverse contexts and quality of life related to work. Methodology of descriptive and correlational analysis of the collected data, exploratory factor analysis, and Spearman correlation was used. The objective of this work is to understand if there is influence of the socio-demographic variables on the well-being at work and the resilience. A sample of 131 hospital nursing technicians, ages between 20 to 69 years, was employed. The theoretical models utilized were the Inventory of Well-being at Work (IBET- and the Resilience Scale for Adults (RSA). It was possible to verify that there is a significant influence of the sociodemographic variables on the index and the indicators of well-being at work. This influence was, specifically, in the variable work sector. The results found made it possible to understand the dimensions of well-being at work and resilience studies. <![CDATA[Uso del Método Bietápico en el estudio de los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje musical a través de Moodle]]> RESUMEN Este estudio presenta la aplicación de las técnicas del Big Data en procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje musical, mediados por plataformas telemáticas. Se basa en la aplicación de los principios del aprendizaje virtual, la educación personalizada, el uso de Internet y la aplicación de las técnicas del Big Data a partir de la información recogida en sistemas de gestión del conocimiento. En concreto, se plantea la aplicación de dichas técnicas a los test de evaluación inicial, que el alumnado realiza a principio de curso, para medir su nivel de conocimientos previos en la materia. El análisis de la información se efectúa a partir de los datos recogidos en una herramienta para la elaboración de cursos online, Moodle. A partir de dichos datos, se halla un modelo, denominado Bietápico, que permite clasificar los diferentes niveles de conocimientos musicales. Esta técnica posibilita la división de la información en clusters o conglomerados, a través de procesos de análisis programados y automatizados. En definitiva, el modelo bietápico ofrece una manera válida y fiable de gestionar datos masivos en línea en procesos de aprendizaje musical, clasificar la información recogida en las bases de datos y establecer perfiles de alumnado facilitando su monitorización y seguimiento educativos.<hr/>ABSTRACT This study presents the application of the techniques of Big Data in music teaching and learning processes, using telematic platforms. It is based on the application of the principles of virtual learning, personalized education, Internet using and application of the techniques of Big Data from the information in knowledge management systems. Specifically, the application of such techniques to test initial assessment arises, the students performed in the early going, to measure their level of prior knowledge on the subject. The data analysis is carried out from data collected in a tool for making online courses, Moodle. From these data, a model, called Bietapic model, which classifies the different levels of musical knowledge. This technique allows the division of the information in clusters or conglomerates, through processes programmed and automated analysis. In short, the Bietapic model provides a valid and reliable way to manage massive data online in music learning processes, classify the information collected in databases and profiling of students by facilitating their educational monitoring. <![CDATA[Especificación de un modelo de sostenibilidad consensuada]]> Resumen Grosso modo, la sostenibilidad alude a un sistema de cogestión orientada por valores y normas locales en materia de salud, educación y empleo. En tal proceso, las políticas de fomento empresarial y micro-financiamiento han sido estrategias que permitieron al Estado gestionar los recursos naturales y los servicios públicos, aunque sus programas no siempre incluyeron a flujos migratorios o emprendedores oriundos, sea por su sesgo proteccionista o su multilateralismo a ultranza, los gobernantes excluyeron de sus políticas e instituciones a sectores organizados de la sociedad civil. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue especificar un modelo para el estudio de la sostenibilidad consensuada, pero ya no entre actores políticos sino, más bien con la participación civil. Se realizó un estudio documental con una selección no probabilística de fuentes indexadas a repositorios nacionales, considerando el periodo de publicación de 2010 a 2017, así como la inclusión de conceptos relativos al desarrollo, migración y participación. Se recomienda continuar la línea de investigación relativa al impacto de las políticas integrales sobre la identidad de los actores sociales.<hr/>Abstract Roughly, sustainability refers to a system of co-management guided by local values and norms in health, education and employment. In such a process, policies to promote entrepreneurship and microfinance have been strategies that allowed the State to manage natural resources and public services, although its programs did not always include migratory flows or entrepreneurs originated, either because of its protectionist bias or its multilateralism The rulers excluded organized sectors of civil society from their policies and institutions. The objective of the present work was to specify a model for the study of consensual sustainability, but no longer between political actors but, rather, with civil participation. A documentary study was conducted with a non-probabilistic selection of sources indexed to national repositories, considering the period of publication from 2010 to 2017, as well as the inclusion of concepts related to development, migration and participation. It is recommended to continue the researchon the impact of comprehensive policies on the identity of social actors. <![CDATA[The Teacher Training as na innovative axis of inclusion in the basic education of students with disabilities in Limoeiro/Pernambuco.]]> RESUMO O presente estudo tem como proposta a discussão sobre a formação do professor que atua nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental da Rede Municipal de Limoeiro/PE. Esta pesquisa busca responder a seguinte questão: Os professores estão preparados para trabalhar com a educação inclusiva, especificamente com alunos com deficiência? O estudo tem como objetivo identificar a formação do professor como eixo de inclusão no desenvolvimento da aprendizagem dos alunos com deficiência. Trata- se de um estudo qualitativo e de cunho exploratório de acordo com Denzín e Lincoln, 2011 apud Campoy 2016, p.231. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada através de um questionário com seis questões. A análise da pesquisa ocorreu por meio da Análise de Conteúdo (Bardin 2011, apud Câmara 2013). Dessa forma, acredita-se na formação como sendo um processo para privilegiar a reflexão e o estudo sobre o fazer docente em suas múltiplas dimensões e desdobramentos no cotidiano escolar. Tendo como resultado da pesquisa a sugestão de uma proposta pedagógica de formação que atenda as necessidades dos professores que atuam nas salas de aula com alunos com deficiência.<hr/>ABSTRACT The present study has as a proposal the discussion about the teacher training that operates in the initial years of Elementary School, of the Municipal Network of Limoeiro / PE. This research seeks to answer the following question: Are teachers prepared to work with inclusive education, specifically with students with disabilities? The aim of this study is to identify teacher education as na axis of inclusion in the development of learning for students with disabilities. This is a qualitative and exploratory study according to Denzín and Lincoln, 2011 apud Campoy 2016, p.231. The Field research was carried out through a questionnaire with six questions. The analysis of the research took place through Content Analysis (Bardin 2011, apud Câmara 2013). In this way, it is believed in the formation, as a process to privilege the reflection, and the study on the teaching, in its multiple dimensions and unfolding, in the school routine. Having as a result of the research, the suggestion of a pedagogical proposal of formation, that meets the needs of teachers who work in classrooms, with students with disabilities. <![CDATA[School as transformation space: the articulation of education, poverty and social inequality in the school curriculum]]> RESUMO Este artigo é uma pesquisa qualitativa com análise documental que investiga o contexto real de uma Escola da Rede Estadual de Ensino do Estado de Pernambuco/Brasil tem como objetivo identificar no Projeto Político Pedagógico (PPP) se contempla metas e ações que garantam a efetivação dos direitos humanos dos alunos, com o propósito de problematizar a repercussão da desigualdade social no currículo escolar, colocando em discussão as práticas pedagógicas. Em caso de atitudes de desrespeito aos direitos humanos na comunidade discente, reavaliar o PPP, buscando uma mudança de postura dos docentes através da formação continuada. O problema desse enfoque é que, se os pobres são vistos como carentes e inferiores em capacidades de atenção, esforço, aprendizagem e valores, acabam sendo responsabilizados por sua própria condição. Assim, são constantemente inferiorizados, reprovados e segregados, consequências da falta de atenção dada pela cultura política, pedagógica e docente às carências materiais, à fome e aos corpos tomados pela pobreza. A metodologia utilizada é de uma pesquisa qualitativa focada na análise documental que permite contextualizar a ideia de educação como direito. Os resultados alcançados se revertem em propiciar uma reflexão acerca da pobreza no currículo desta Escola, possibilitando a inserção de práticas voltadas a inclusão dos mais pobres no currículo da Unidade Escolar.<hr/>ABSTRACT This article is a qualitative research with documentary analysis that investigates the real context of a State School of the State of Pernambuco / Brazil and aims to identify in the Political Pedagogical Project (PPP) if it contemplates goals and actions that guarantee the fulfillment of human rights of students, with the purpose of problematizing the repercussion of social inequality in the school curriculum, putting in discussion the pedagogical practices. In case of attitudes of disrespect to human rights in the student community, reassess the PPP, seeking a change of attitude of teachers through continuing education. The problem with this approach is that if the poor are viewed as needy and inferior in attention, effort, learning, and values, they are blamed for their own condition. Thus, they are constantly inferior, reprobate and segregated, consequences of the lack of attention given by the political, pedagogical and teaching culture to the material needs, the hunger and the bodies taken by the poverty. The methodology used is a qualitative research focused on documentary analysis that allows to contextualize the idea of education as a right. The results achieved will lead to a reflection about poverty in the curriculum of this School, allowing the insertion of practices aimed at including the poorest in the curriculum of the School Unit. <![CDATA[Rezago en el desarrollo infantil: La importancia de la calidad educativa del ambiente familiar]]> RESUMEN El presente estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar el nivel de aprendizaje y desarrollo de los niños chilenos según sus diferentes grupos de edades, a través de 4 áreas o dimensiones (Cognición, Motricidad, Lenguaje y Socioemocionalidad). Usando bases de datos oficiales a nivel nacional de los Test de Aprendizaje y Desarrollo Infantil (TADI) y la Encuesta Longitudinal de la Primera Infancia (ELPI) se cuantifica la población infantil en situación de rezago en su desarrollo y, mediante modelos de regresión, sus factores asociados. De los 5.005 niños, un 8,2% presenta riesgo o retraso, con una proporción más acentuada en las áreas de Lenguaje y Socioemocional. La baja escolaridad materna y la precaria calidad educativa del hogar, se constituyen en relevantes factores de riesgo para el desarrollo infantil.<hr/>ABSTRACT The present study aims to assess the level of learning and development of Chilean children, according to their different age groups, through 4 areas or dimensions (Cognition, Motricity, Language and Socio- Emotionality).Using official databases nationwide Test of Learning and Child Development (TADI) and the Longitudinal Survey of Early Childhood (ELPI) quantifies the child population at risk in their development and regression models, associated factors. Of the 5,005 children, 8.2% at risk or delay, with a more pronounced in the areas of Language and Social Emotional proportion. Low maternal education and poor educational quality household, constitute relevant risk factors for child development. <![CDATA[¿Cárcel o centro educativo? el desafío de la reinserción social en contextos estructurales de exclusión social, experiencias desde el Centro Educativo Itauguá]]> RESUMEN En el presente artículo se plantea como objetivo realizar un análisis de la reinserción social de jóvenes que son privados de libertad en el Centro Educativo de Itauguá, se elije dicho centro por ser el que alberga a la mayor cantidad de jóvenes en situación de encierro en Paraguay. Para ello, se utiliza una metodología cualitativa que permitió comprender esta realidad desde las vivencias y relatos de cinco jóvenes que estuvieron recluidos y que ya se encontraban en el proceso de reinserción en el momento de llevar a cabo las entrevistas. Los resultados demuestran que la situación de encierro acentuaría una condición previa de exclusión social, hecho que los aleja más de una reinserción social posible.<hr/>ABSTRACT In this article we propose an analysis of the social reintegration of young people who are deprived of liberty in the Itauguá Educational Center, we have chosen this center because it is the one that houses the largest number of young people in a situation of confinement in Paraguay. To do this, we used a qualitative methodology that allowed us to understand this reality from the experiences and stories of five young people who were incarcerated and who were already in the process of reinsertion at the time of conducting the interviews. The results show that the situation of confinement would accentuate a precondition of social exclusion, a fact that distances them more than a possible social reintegration. <![CDATA[La diversidad cultural y el diseño de políticas educativas en Perú]]> RESUMEN Este artículo presenta una descripción y análisis de las políticas educativas que se han ido implementando en Perú desde principios del siglo pasado. Este país se caracteriza por su carácter multicultural y multilingüe donde el movimiento de las comunidades indígenas ha estado muy presente en la lucha y reivindicaciones sociales y educativas. Este hecho ha dado lugar a un reconocimiento no solo de las distintas lenguas indígenas sino a una reordenación de los lineamientos y objetivos que fundamentan las políticas educativas, así como de los programas de formación de los docentes. El poder conocer cómo se han ido perfilando las políticas educativas destinadas a las poblaciones indígenas y conocer en qué condiciones políticas, sociales y económicas se han desarrollado, nos ofrece un escenario para poder aventurar los lineamientos y objetivos de un modelo de educación que atienda a las necesidades reales y sentidas por toda la sociedad peruana.<hr/>ABSTRACT This research paper presents a description and analysis of the educational policies that have been implemented in Peru since the beginning of the twentieth century. This country is characterised by a multicultural and multilingual character and by the fact that the movement of indigenous communities has been a permanent feature of their social and educational struggles and demands. This has led not only to an appreciation of the different indigenous languages, but also to the reassessment of the guidelines and objectives underpinning educational policies as well as teacher training programs. Being able to know how educational policies aimed at indigenous populations have been shaped and the political, social and economic conditions under which they have been developed provides a scenario that makes it possible to suggest the guidelines and objectives of an educational model that addresses the real and perceived needs of all Peruvian society. <![CDATA[El obstáculo epistemológico y el pensamiento crítico]]> Resumen El trabajo toma como principal eje al concepto de obstáculo, proporcionado por Gaston Bachelard, en su obra la formación del espíritu científico de 1934. El obstáculo se plantea, en vista de realizar una ruptura epistemológica con la ciencia normal, pero ¿qué ocurre cuando se nos presenta una proliferación de teorías como válidas? ¿Se torna aún necesaria la utilización de obstáculos? Este concepto, se utiliza como un método que permite una interpretación distinta de la realidad. Dicho de otra manera, el obstáculo posibilitará la de-construcción con un conocimiento previo y podrá proponer otros. Son estas proposiciones que se encargan de fomentar y desarrollar la cultura científica de un país. ¿De qué modo esta cultura científica se visualiza en los estudios realizados en Paraguay? La cultura científica, se encuentra apoyada por Instituciones y diversos agentes sociales. Por lo tanto los docentes, como agentes sociales ¿desarrollan prácticas ligadas a la instalación del espíritu científico? De esta manera, la ruptura epistemológica descripta por Bachelard, motiva la necesidad de revisar este concepto necesario para instalar un pensamiento crítico que a su vez propicia el desarrollo de una cultura científica.<hr/>Abstract This work, take focus on the notion of obstacle proposed by Gaston Bachelard in his work “The training of scientific spirit” published in 1934. The obstacle in presented to confront to normal science, however, what happened when multiple theories are accepted? It turns to be still necessary, to use the obstacle as a method for knowledge? This concept is a method that allows a different interpretation of reality. In others word, the obstacle make possible deconstruction in front some previous knowledge and give place to other proposition. This proposition is in charge promoting and developed scientific culture in a country. How this scientific culture is visualized in Paraguayan researches? Institutions and different social agents composed the scientific culture. So the teachers as social agents: does their practice developed scientific spirit? In this way, the epistemological rupture described by Bachelard motivates the necessity to review this concept in order to install critical thinking and scientific culture.