Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista Internacional de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales]]> vol. 13 num. 1 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[The educating tradition of society: From orality to information and communication technologies]]> <![CDATA[Running head: Elaboration of an instrument to measure attitudes to people with homosexual orientation]]> Resumen: Desde que los psicólogos utilizan escalas dentro de sus herramientas pueden valerse de la investigación psicométrica específica para la idiosincrasia en la que trabajan, en la literatura local se encuentran trabajos con escalas que miden actitudes hacia personas de orientación homosexual, pero ninguna desarrollada en Paraguay. El objetivo fue construir un instrumento válido y confiable para la medición de actitudes hacia personas con esta orientación, así como determinar sus niveles de confiabilidad y las dimensiones que explora. Para eso se utilizó un diseño metodológico instrumental, recolectando datos en Paraguay entre setiembre 2015 - febrero 2016. Se presenta la versión final de 18 ítems (α≈ 0.86) consistente con el modelo propuesto (RMSA = 0.71, CFI = 0.92).<hr/>Abstract: Since psychologists use scales as a tool they can make good use of one tailored to the idiosyncrasies of the people they work with, among the local scientific literature we found research using scales measuring attitude towards homosexuals, but,none of the developed in Paraguay. The main goal was to construct a valid and reliable scale for measuring attitudes towards homosexuals, as well as stablish reliability levels and dimensions explored. We used an instrumental design, gathering data from September 2015 to February 2016. Final version has 18 items (α ≈ 0.86) and is consistent with the proposed model. (RMSA = 0.71, CFI = 0.92). <![CDATA[The competence approach in the Mathematics curriculum of the Middle Education. The teaching perspective about it implementation]]> Resumen: La implementación del currículo en el sistema educativo requiere de los diferentes actores, y en particular de los docentes, aprehensión de los fundamentos teóricos y prácticos del modelo pedagógico y compromiso con su realización. Esta investigación presenta los antecedentes del enfoque de competencias en el currículo de Matemáticas de la Educación Media e indaga la opinión de docentes sobre el enfoque curricular, las dificultades y los resultados de su implementación. El estudio se realiza en el departamento de Concepción, Paraguay, durante el año 2015 y se basa en mediciones cuantitativas obtenidas a través de un cuestionario. La valoración general de los docentes es la existencia de dificultades en la implementación del currículo, la necesidad de mayor formación del profesorado en el enfoque de competencias y asesoramiento permanente.<hr/>Abstract: The implementation of the curriculum in the educational system requires of the different actors, and in particular of the teachers, apprehension of the theoretical and practical foundations of the pedagogical model and commitment to its realization. This research presents the antecedents of the competence approach in the Mathematics curriculum of the Middle Education and investigates the opinion of teachers about the curricular approach, the difficulties and the results of its implementation. The study is conducted in the department of Concepción, Paraguay, during the year 2015 and is based on quantitative measurements obtained through a questionnaire. The general assessment of teachers is the existence of difficulties in the implementation of the curriculum, the need for greater teacher training in the competence approach and permanent advice. <![CDATA[Local cultural heritage as a tool for education]]> Resumen: La educación en el medio rural, posee características que tienen la capacidad de fomentar el desarrollo personal en base a la realidad en la que viven los estudiantes, en donde el profesor se tiene que considerar un promotor del desarrollo de cada uno de los habitantes de este mundo rural con el fin de lograr el desarrollo local por medio de la valoración de lo propio y la creación de una relación directa entre currículum y patrimonio, la realización de un currículum pertinente para la escuela rural es parte de la labor docente y apunta a la satisfacción de las necesidades de las comunidades y se considera una herramienta de alfabetización y medio para alcanzar el buen vivir.La generación de prácticas apegadas a un paradigma socio-crítico que se enlace con métodos de proyectos endógenos hace que lo curricular pueda adquirir como eje de su desarrollo a lo local, como medio de significación de los contenidos y a su vez, lo local tome a estos mismos contenidos como métodos de innovación, la valoración de los conocimientos ya existentes como saberes populares y creadores de sentido de pertenencia, que es la herramienta más poderosa para la conservación de una cultura.<hr/>Abstract: Education in rural areas has some distinctive features which foster personal development based on the students’ own reality. For each one of these realities, teachers are to be considered as promoters of the development of the rural areas inhabitants to, in return, make progress in these places. Thus, rural dweller will cherish their own creations and forge a close link between curriculum and heritage. The design of such curriculum is the teachers’ great task bearing in mind the different communities’ needs. It is also a tool to promote both literacy and well-being.The adoption of different practices coupled with a sociological and critical paradigm along with local projects make the curriculum vitally important for the development of the aforementioned areas by making sense of the subject matters and by treasuring the already existing popular knowledge which create sense of belonging. All this is the most powerful tool for cultural preservation. <![CDATA[Consumer behavior in Brazil: A Methodological view on the empirical research presented at the meetings of the Marketing Division of the National Association of Postgraduate and Research in Administration ANPAD -EMA (2004 - 2014)]]> Resumo: O comportamento do consumidor consiste em uma das escolas de marketing, estudada tradicionalmente pela administração, mas que ao longo do tempo tem sido uma temática inserida em investigações de diversas outras disciplinas e ciências. Com a itensificação das pesquisas, foram criados espaços acadêmicos para a reflexão e discussão das investigações sobre a área, e os encontros bienais da divisão de marketing da ANPAD configuram-se, no Brasil, como um espaço de grande importância para o entendimento do marketing. O presente trabalho, dessa forma, objetivou identificar, analisar e quantificar os procedimentos metodológicos presentes nos papers envolvendo a temática “comportamento do consumidor”, apresentados nos encontros bienais da Divisão de Marketing da ANPAD - O EMA, entre os anos de 2004 e 2014. Dentre os resultados, verifica-se a multidisciplinaridade do tema ao serem encontrados trabalhos de diversas naturezas de pesquisa, englobando aspectos de outras áreas além da Administração, e a mesclagem de abordagens qualitativas e quantitativas com o intuito de conhecer perfis, hábitos e fatores relacionados o comportamento do consumidor.<hr/>Abstract: The consumer behavior consists of one of the marketing schools, traditionally studied by the administration, but that over time has been a thematic inserted in investigations of several other disciplines and sciences. With the intensification of researches, academic spaces were created for the reflection and discussion of researches on the area, and the biennial meetings of ANPAD's marketing division are, in Brazil, a space of great importance for the understanding of marketing. The present paper, therefore, aimed to identify, analyze and quantify the methodological procedures present in the papers involving the theme "consumer behavior", presented at the biennial meetings of the Marketing Division of ANPAD - EMA, between 2004 and 2014. Among the results, the multidisciplinarity of the theme is verified by finding papers of several research natures, encompassing aspects of other areas besides Administration, and the merge of qualitative and quantitative approaches with the purpose of knowing profiles, habits and factors related to consumer behavior. <![CDATA[Governance of electoral preferences: Contrast of a model of consensus expectations and intention to vote in students of a public university]]> Resumen: El sistema político en el que es posible observar las similitudes y diferencias entre grupos a favor y en contra de candidatos presidenciales con base en procesos de negociación, mediación, conciliación y arbitraje en torno a la gestión y administración de Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación es conocido como gobernanza. Se trata de un fenómeno creciente en la medida en que se aproximan las elecciones locales o federales y se exacerban las redes digitales como instrumentos de promoción o disuasión de un candidato. En ese sentido, el objetivo del presente estudio fue explorar la relación entre las preferencias y expectativas con respecto a las intenciones de voto en una muestra no probabilística de estudiantes usuarios de redes digitales. A partir de un modelo estructural [χ2 = 214,35 (47gl) p = 0,007; GFI = 0,990; CFI = 0,997; RMSSEA = 0,001] se encontró que el factor de expectativas de consenso determinó a las intenciones de voto (0,56). Se discuten los alcances y límites del análisis factorial exploratorio de ejes principales con una rotación promax simple y oblicua con respecto a la confirmación de una estructura ortogonal.<hr/>Abstract: The political system in which it is possible to observe the similarities and differences between groups for and against presidential candidates based on processes of negotiation, mediation, conciliation and arbitration around the management and administration of Information and Communication Technologies is known as governance. This is a growing phenomenon as local or federal elections approach and digital networks are exacerbated as instruments for the promotion or dissuasion of a candidate. In this sense, the objective of the present study was to explore the relationship between preferences and expectations regarding voting intentions in a non-probabilistic sample student’s users of digital networks. From a structural model [χ2 = 214.35 (47gl) p = 0.007; GFI = 0.990; CFI = 0.997; RMSSEA = 0.001] it was found that the consensus expectation factor determined the intentions to vote (0.56). The scope and limits of the exploratory factor analysis of main axes with a simple and oblique promax rotation with respect to the confirmation of an orthogonal structure are discussed. <![CDATA[Didactcs Sequences Development of Portuguese Foreign Language by Preservice Teacher in the paraguayan context]]> Resumo: Este artigo objetiva descrever e analisar a experiência de elaboração de materiais didáticos de professores em pré-serviço da Licenciatura em Língua Portuguesa, do Instituto Superior de Lenguas da Universidad Nacional de Asunción (UNA), Paraguay, com base no Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo de Bronckart, Dolz e Schneuwly, no qual o ensino de línguas estrangeiras deve basear-se em conteúdos linguísticos-discursivos trabalhados a partir de gêneros discursivos, considerados objetos/instrumentos de ensino que podem ser ministrados a partir do processo de transposição didática. Uma das estratégias deste processo é a Sequência Didática, que se constitui em atividades planificadas e organizadas de forma modularizada, desenhadas a partir de objetivos de aprendizagem específicos. O procedimento de análise deste trabalho foi fundamentado nas Capacidades de Linguagem como categorias de análise, tal como proposto pelos estudos da área, por meio de uma pesquisa-ação em que professores em pré-serviço elaboraram os materiais didáticos. Os resultados deste trabalho demonstraram que as Capacidades de Linguagem mobilizadas conformaram uma Sequência Didática de forma modularizada, a partir do gênero textual proposto.<hr/>Abstract: This article aims to describes and analyses the experience of teaching material elaborated by Portuguese preservice teachers of the course Licenciatura em Língua Portuguesa, in the Instituto Superior de Lenguas of Universidad Nacional de Asunción (UNA), Paraguay based in the Socio-discursive Interacionism of Bronckart, Dolz e Schneuwly discussions, in which the teaching of foreign languages should come from of the linguistic discursive contents work from the discursive genres, considered objects/instruments of teaching, them can be teaching from the process of the didactic transposition. One strategies resulting is the didactic sequence, which consists in the planned and organized activities in the modularize format, from the specific learning objectives. The procedure employed was based in the Language Capacity as analysis category, which propose for the studies of the area, by means an education research-action. The results of this work have demonstrated that the Language Capacities mobilized have complied a Didactic Sequence of the modularize way, from the genre proposed. <![CDATA[Socio-environmental study in the Brazilian Amazon with focus on water quality]]> Resumo: Este trabalho aborda sobre a potabilidade da água consumida por uma municipalidade situada na Amazônia Brasileira. Procurou-se conhecer a satisfação da população local sob a ótica das Teorias Institucional e do Ecodesenvolvimento, a partir do Método do Estudo de Caso, de natureza quali-quantitativa e descritiva. O Objetivo geral é estudar a relação socioambiental com foco na qualidade da água ofertada à população; e tem como objetivos específicos levantar informações de natureza socioambiental relacionadas à água ofertada à população, interpretar os principais parâmetros de aceitabilidade relacionados à qualidade da água, e analisar a satisfação percebida do usuário em face da qualidade dos serviços de abastecimento. Como resultado indica-se que a maioria dos respondentes da consulta se declaraparcialmente satisfeita com a qualidade da água,revelando a preferência pelo consumo de água mineral comercializada, que consideram mais benéfica à sua saúde do que a água encanada que ofertam pelo sistema de distribuição. Levantamento documental aponta que a água fornecida à população não atende aos principais parâmetros de potabilidade, mas a falta de conhecimento e de cidadania dos residentes impedem os indivíduos de interpretar a realidade dos fatos. Este trabalho interessa a gestores socioambientais, administradores, políticos e demais estudiosos em temáticas afins.<hr/>Abstract: This work deals with the potability of water consumed by a municipality located in the Brazilian Amazon. It was sought to know the satisfaction of the local population from the perspective of Institutional Theories and Ecodevelopment, based on the Method of the Case Study, qualitative and descriptive. The general objective is to study the socio-environmental relationship with a focus on the water quality offered to the population; as specific objectives to collect socio-environmental information related to the water offered to the population, to interpret the main acceptability parameters related to water quality, and to analyze the user's perceived satisfaction with the quality of the supply services. Thus, it is indicated that most the respondents of the consultation declare themselves partially satisfied with the quality of the water, revealing the preference for the consumption of commercialized mineral water, which they consider to be more beneficial to their health than the running water offered by the distribution system. Documentary survey indicates that the water provided to the population does not meet the main parameters of potability, but the lack of knowledge and citizenship of the residents prevent individuals from interpreting the reality of the facts. This work interest socioenvironmental managers, administrators, politicians, and other scholars in related topics. <![CDATA[Social phenomenon of clientelism in Spain]]> Resumen: La corrupción aparece en todos los países y momentos históricos. Ninguna comunidad es inmune a esta realidad. Hecha esta afirmación, existen diferencias importantes entre sociedades. En algunas se puede comprender, valorar, admirar y no castigar suficientemente al corrupto; en cambio, en otras la tolerancia es mínima. La sociedad no acepta este tipo de actos. Actualmente España se encuentra en una situación social, económica y política muy difícil. Continuamente aparecen en los medios de comunicación hechos graves que escandalizan a los ciudadanos. Parece que la corrupción está incrustada en la estructura social y cultural. En este artículo, a través de una revisión documental, abordamos un tipo de corrupción de baja intensidad, el clientelismo. En España existe una relación estrecha entre políticos y afiliados, amigos, allegados y conocidos. Las élites construyen redes clientelares, donde los políticos reciben apoyos y los ciudadanos contratos de trabajo, ayudas, subvenciones. Ambas partes salen beneficiadas, contra un grupo significativo que no participa y está al margen. Estos tienen muchas dificultades para acceder a determinados servicios, trabajos, y ayudas.<hr/>Abstract: Corruption scandals appear in all the countries and times. No one community has the capacity to resist corruption. It goes without saying, almost, that corruption is everywhere. It occurs at all levels of society, from local and national governments. Once we say this, we know that there are big differences among societies. In someone, people understand it, consider corruption as a habit and a part of our lives; has a positive value and even admire it, to the point that corrupt people are not punish he enough; while, in other societies tolerance with corruption is almost absent, Society does not accept this behavior. Nowadays Spain is in a really difficult social, economic and political situation. The news about corruption scandals appear continuously and people feel seriously as tonished and painfully socked. Corruption looks like being firmly fixed in our social and cultural structures. In this article we attempt to approach a sort of corruption of low intensity; the habitual extortion of bribes by the ones in the position of some power, clientship practices, through a documentary review. In Spain there is a close relationship between the long untouchable elites and the Spanish political class, with the members of the political parties, attached to, friends and relatives. All these elites make webs of clients, where the politicians get support and the economic class their benefits. On the otherhand, the citizens obtain something in return: a job, even for you or someone close to you, some sort of States subsidy, a grantor some special help. Everyone isacting to one’s own advantage, leaving apart large segments of society. These citizens out of those client ship group have usually difficulties to gain admittance to some services, jobs, some sort of help. <![CDATA[Social Sustainability: A labour approach and citizenship of mexican woman]]> Resumen: El presente artículo aborda el tema de sustentabilidad social, como acercamiento del escenario sociolaboral y de ciudadanía de la mujer en México. En México se ha cursado por una elocuente modificación de los ámbitos de la política, economía y del orden institucional, sin embargo, aún persisten retos como la pobreza y carencia de justicia social entre las mujeres en el ámbito de protección y cobertura social, particularmente de aquellas mujeres que laboran en tareas eventuales o de medio tiempo, en condiciones deplorables, sustentadas en una carga social e histórica impuesta desde el concepto de la sexualidad. No obstante, este déficit de falta de ciudadanía, es prescindible avanzar en el ámbito de los derechos humanos con el fin de subsanar esto, para alcanzar una sociedad más perdurable y sustentada en una democracia de ciudadanos.<hr/>Abstract: This manuscript addresses the issue of social sustainability, and approach of the context labor and citizenship of women in Mexico. In Mexico was completed by an eloquent modification of the fields of politics, economy and the institutional order, however, there are still challenges such as poverty and lack of social justice among women in the field of social protection and coverage, particularly of women who work in temporary or part-time work in deplorable conditions, grounded in a social and historical burden from the concept of sexuality. However, this lack of citizenship deficit is dispensable progress in the field of human rights in order to remedy this, to achieve a more lasting and sustained citizen in a democracy society.