Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista Internacional de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales]]> vol. 11 num. 2 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b><i>Science and technology for development</i></b>]]> <![CDATA[<b>Inovando a Organização pela estratégia de Marketing Verde</b>]]> A inovação estratégica possibilita o alcance de vantagem competitiva nos negócios em um cenário dinâmico. O tratamento sobre inovação nesta tarefa segue pela via do marketing verde em face do seu significado como diferencial competitivo. Para o preparo da tarefa foi tomada a Teoria da Contingência, que considera as complexidades ambientais influenciando sobre o processo de desenvolvimento de estratégias organizacionais. Levantou-se como objetivos a identificação das variáveis ambientais que influenciam na decisão em marketing verde (1), a avaliação da percepção dos atores sociais sobre as variáveis ambientais (2), e a analise da tendência no desempenho organizacional mediante a aplicação do marketing verde (3). Utilizou-se o Método do Estudo de Caso simulado, de natureza qualitativa e descritiva, com abordagem construtivista, aplicando-se procedimentos afins, com suporte do Grupo de Foco. Como resultado foram identificadas variáveis referentes à concorrência, economia, política, forças legais ou regulamentadoras, tecnológicas, socioculturais, compradores, novos entrantes, fornecedores, substitutos e concorrentes; avaliou-se a percepção por intermédio de análise e crítica dos dados obtidos dos respondentes consultados; foi analisada a tendência válida como estratégica aplicativa no marketing verde como diferencial competitivo.<hr/>The innovation as strategic enables the achievement of competitive advantage in business in a dynamic scenario. Treatment of innovation in this task follows the path of green marketing due of its significance as a competitive differentiator. For the preparation of the task was taken Contingency Theory, which considers the complexities environmental who influences on the process of developing organizational strategies. Have as objectives the identification of environmental factors that influence the decision on green marketing (1), the evaluation of the perception of social actors on environmental variables (2), and analysis of trend in organizational performance through the application of green marketing (3). We used the method of simulated case study, with nature qualitative and descriptive, and a constructive approach, applying procedures common for this methodology, with support from the Focus Group. As a result was identified variables related to competition, economic, political, legal or regulatory forces, technological, sociocultural, buyers, new entrants, suppliers, competitors and substitutes, is evaluated the perception through one analysis and critique of the data obtained from respondents consulted, and was analyzed the applicative of strategic as valid trend in green marketing as competitive advantage. <![CDATA[<b><i>Critical paths of women in situation of domestic violence. Cases study at Buenos Aires city</i></b>]]> La violencia familiar es una de las tantas manifestaciones de la violencia de género y constituye para las mujeres una de las principales causas de morbimortalidad. A través de un estudio de casos, utilizando registros de admisión y entrevistas a usuarias de un servicio de atención de violencia familiar de un Hospital General de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, se analiza el proceso recorrido (ruta crítica) por mujeres con experiencia de violencia para obtener atención, enfrentar y resolver su problema. Se examinaron las respuestas institucionales, comunitarias y sanitarias según la percepción de las mujeres, atendiendo a la calidad y accesibilidad de recursos. El 80% sufrió violencia física. El 36% llegó por recomendación judicial y un 32% derivadas por servicios del propio hospital. El 78% había efectuado denuncia policial. Un tercio inició la ruta crítica por riesgo de sus hijos. 70% de los agresores fueron parejas varones. Recursos institucionales dispersos e inconexos, el inadecuado accionar policial, la carencia de medios para enfrentar un proceso judicial y la desarticulación intra e interinstitucional, generan re-victimización y recrudecen el padecimiento de las mujeres.<hr/>Domestic violence, is one of the many manifestations of gender violence and is a main source of morbidity and mortality for women. Thorough triangulation of methods and sources we used admission records of women at service of domestic violence in a general hospital at Buenos Aires and made interviews. The research aimed to analyze the critical path for women to get attention and face the problem of violence and examine institutional and community responses according to their perception related to the quality and accessibility of resources. The 80% suffered physical violence. 36% were referred by judicial recommendation and 32% derived from services of the hospital itself. 78% made a police report about the situation of violence. A third of the women started the critical path when a risk situation happened to their children. 70% of the aggressors were male partners. Institutional resources spread and disjointed, improper police action, the lack of means to stand trial and the intra and inter institutional coordination, generate re-victimization and step up the suffering of women. <![CDATA[<b><i>Exploring the perception of crime as the main problem in Latin America</i></b>]]> La delincuencia o inseguridad ciudadana en América Latina ha estado posicionada como uno de los principales problemas de sus países miembros. Los registros de esta preocupación ciudadana alcanzaron cifras históricas en el año 2011. Aunque la teoría que refiere a los elementos predictores de la percepción-sensación criminal no le brinda una capacidad explicativa monopolizadora a la victimización, es casi imposible dejar de lado que en lo concerniente a Suramérica y Centroamérica se posicionan dentro de las regiones con más homicidios del planeta. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue explorar la percepción de la delincuencia como principal problema en Latinoamérica para el año 2011. Entre los hallazgos más relevantes, se encontró una asociación de países con altos niveles de homicidios y el posicionamiento del delito como principal problema del país, mientras países con altos niveles de victimización-transgresión que mantienen bajos e intermedios niveles de homicidios, no se relacionan con la percepción generalizada de que la delincuencia es su principal problema.<hr/>Crime and insecurity in Latin America has been positioned as one of the main problems of its members countries. The data on this collective concern reached record levels in 2011. Although the theory that refers to the elements predictors of criminal sense-perception provides a monopolistic no explanatory power to victimization, it is almost impossible to put aside with regard to South and Central America are positioned within regions with more homicides in the planet. The aim of this study was to explore the perception of crime as the main problem in Latin America for 2011. Among the most significant findings, I found an association of countries with high levels of homicide and positioning of the crime as the main problem of the country, while countries with high levels of victimization-transgression that kept low and intermediate levels of homicides not related to the widespread perception that crime is their main problem. <![CDATA[<b><i>Employability of Persons with Disabilities from the Governance Framework of the SENADIS, Paraguay</i></b>]]> Con el objetivo de identificar la situación laboral de las Personas con Discapacidad (PcD) en Paraguay, verificar el cumplimiento de las leyes de inserción laboral en instituciones públicas registradas en la Secretaria de la Función Pública e indagar sobre la inserción laboral de las Instituciones Privadas, en cuanto a la incorporación de PcD como empleados, se realiza el estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal, con enfoque cuali-cuantitativo. En la identificación de la situación laboral de las PcD en Paraguay, se observa que el país cuenta con 316.324 PcD en edad económicamente activa, de las cuales 15.816 PcD están en condiciones de ser insertadas laboralmente. De esta población apenas el 1% han logrado ser insertada. La población de PcD que solicitan empleo es uniforme en cuanto al sexo; tienen edad entre 26 y 35 años, nivel de estudio en su mayoría con secundaria incompleta; tienen preparación en informática, trabajo manual, administrativo, técnico, área de salud y arte. Sobre el tipo de discapacidad el mayor porcentaje tiene discapacidad física, seguida de la sensorial e intelectual. En relación a las leyes, el país cuenta con acciones positivas a favor de las PcD, aunque su aplicación es aún baja. En cuanto a la apertura de las Instituciones Privadas se observa que un número limitado de los PcD están insertos laboralmente a través de la responsabilidad social de las empresas.<hr/>In order to identify the employment status of persons with disabilities (PWDs) in Paraguay, verify compliance with employment laws in public institutions registered with the Ministry of Public Administration and investigate the opening of private institutions, as the inclusion of PWDs as employees, descriptive cross-sectional observational study, with qualitative and quantitative approach is performed. In identifying the employment situation of PWDs in Paraguay, it shows that the country has 316,324 PWD economically active age, of which 15,816 PWD are able to be inserted in work. Of this population only 1% have managed to be inserted. PWD population seeking employment is even about sex; with age between 26 and 35, level of study mostly with incomplete secondary; they have training in computer, manual labor, administrative, technical, health and art area. On the type of disability has the highest percentage physical disability, followed by sensory and intellectual. In relation to laws, the country has positive actions in favor of PWDs, although implementation is still low. As for the opening of private institutions it shows that a limited number of PWDs are embedded occupationally through the social responsibility of companies. <![CDATA[<b><i>Death penalty in the pages of The New York Times. A study on the relationship between capital punishment, elections and public opinion</i></b>]]> A pena de morte tem sido um dos temas mais polêmicos nos meios de comunicação nos Estados Unidos. Nesse sentido, propomos que em alguma medida, o enquadramento midiático pode exercer efeito sobre a opinião pública (oque não é uma idéia nova na literatura), em uma perspectiva de cascata o onde há fluxos que se desenvolvem de forma interdependentes. Esse trabalho visa responder duas questões: a) o enquadramento do tema pena de morte, em perspectiva temporal, guarda relação com o enquadramento do tema eleições? A publicação de matérias sobre punição capital afeta o apoio público á pena de morte? Para responder essas perguntas traçamos duas hipóteses: a) existe uma relação histórica entre o enquadramento de eleições e o do tema pena de morte; b) quanto maior o volume de publicações, maior é o apoio público em favor da pena de morte. Nossos resultados mostram relativa aderência de nossas hipóteses: a) 54% do enquadramento anual de matérias sobre pena de morte podem ser explicados pelo enquadramento do jornal para materiais sobre eleições; b) 24% da queda da desfavoralidade e 38% do aumento da favoralidade histórica dos americanos em relação a pena de morte podem ser explicados por conta do volume de publicação anual de matérias sobre pena de morte no The New York Times.<hr/>The death penalty has been one of the most controversial themes in the media in the United States. Accordingly we propose that to some extent, the media framework can exercise effect on public opinion (what is not a new idea in the literature), in a perspective of the waterfall where there are streams that develop interdependent way. This research aims to answer two questions: a) the framing of the topic of the death penalty, in temporal perspective, save relationship with framing the election theme? The publication of articles about capital punishment affects the public will support the death penalty? To answer these questions, we make two assumptions: a) there is a history between the election and the framework of the theme of the death penalty; (b)) the higher the volume of publications, the greater is the public support in favor of the death penalty. Our results show on adhesion of odds: 54% of annual framework) of articles about the death penalty can be explained by the framework paper for materials about elections; b) 24% of fall of desfavoralidade and 38% of the increased favoralidade of Americans regarding the death penalty can be explained due to the volume of annual publication of articles about the death penalty in The New York Times. <![CDATA[<b><i>Health policy in border areas. The case of Argentina and Paraguay</i></b>]]> En materia de salud, la frontera entre Argentina y Paraguay posee una intensa historia de cooperación internacional que se ha incrementado en los últimos años como consecuencia de la aparición de enfermedades emergentes y reemergentes como el cólera, la fiebre amarilla, el dengue y el aumento de la tuberculosis. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar los convenios establecidos entre ambos países en relación a la atención de la salud, en particular aquellos de carácter específico referidos a la frontera y los firmados entre jurisdicciones provinciales/departamentales.<hr/>In health field, the border between Argentina and Paraguay maintains a strong history of international cooperation which has increased in recent years as a result of the occurrence of emerging and reemerging diseases such as cholera, yellow fever, dengue and the rise in tuberculosis. This paper aims to analyze the agreements signed by both countries in relation to health care, particularly those with specific nature related to the border and signed by provincial /departmental jurisdictions. <![CDATA[<b><i>A reflection regarding the woman participation in the society and the Law enforcement nº 11.340/2006 (Maria da Penha Law) in the violence context</i></b>]]> O trabalho em questão apresenta uma reflexão sobre a história da mulher numa sociedade com fortes marcas do patriarcado. Assim, nossas discussões serão estruturadas em torno da violência contra a mulher, no contexto da aplicação da Lei Maria da Penha. A mulher moderna conquistou espaço importante e de destaque dentro da sociedade, entretanto ainda existem casos onde a violência deixa sua marca revelando o preconceito, existente ao longo dos anos. Em diferentes períodos da história, em diferentes organizações sociais, percebemos que as mulheres não são devidamente reconhecidas, o que aflora o obsoleto preconceito existente. Mesmo depois do advento da Lei nº 11.340/06 (Lei Maria da Penha), a violência é ainda um ato praticado pelos homens, na atualidade.<hr/>The work in question, presents a reflection on the history of women in a society with strong signs of patriarchy. Thus, our discussions will be structured around violence against women, in the context of the implementation of the Maria da Penha Law. The modern woman won important and noticeable space in society, however there are still cases where violence leaves its mark revealing prejudice, present over the years. In different periods of history, in different social organizations, we realize that women are not properly recognized, which reveals the obsolete existing prejudice. Even after the enactment of Law nº 11.340 / 06 (Maria da Penha Law), violence is still an act practiced by men today. <![CDATA[<b><i>Problematization about the construction of the object of discipline study and the ways of knowledge production</i></b>: <b><i>what is sociological and what is not? what are the criteria of distinction between research and consulting?</i></b>]]> En anteriores entregas, en esta misma publicación, no es casual que haya abordado temáticas diversas, como ser sobre los “Cien años de desarrollo de la Sociología en Paraguay en el año de su Bicentenario. Del rezago histórico institucional en el pasado a la debilidad contemporánea”, y, acerca de la “Producción bibliográfica en ciencias sociales, como insumo para la construcción de categorías sintéticas para la comprensión del desarrollo de la sociología paraguaya”. Se lo ha hecho dentro de una misma línea de investigación que se ha creado y en desarrollo, sobre “Docencia e Investigación en Historia Sociológica de la Sociología en Paraguay”, a manera de un programa abierto y en despliegue. Se pretende desde este espacio, continuar aportando conocimiento producto de un programa de investigación definido y permanente, como condición sine qua non para la profundización y extensión en el tema bajo estudio, cual es, el desarrollo de la Sociología en Paraguay, poniendo en discusión y problematizando, que se entiende por sociológico, intentando precisar el concepto, y asimismo, las relaciones entre dos formas privilegiadas de producción de conocimiento en el área, según sus respectivos supuestos y prácticas, la de la investigación estrictu sensu, de tipo más académico asociada a la institución universitaria casi por antonomasia, y la de la consultoría, más asociada al ámbito privado, de centros y fundaciones con el estilo ong.<hr/>In previous releases, in this publication, it is not a coincidence that I have addressed various topics, such as the "One Hundred Years of development of Sociology in Paraguay in the year of its bicentennial. Institutional historical lag in the past to the contemporary weakness,” and, about the “Social science literature production, as input for the construction of synthetic categories for the understanding of the development of the Paraguayan sociology. “It has been made within the same line of research that has been created and in development, on "Teaching and Research in Sociological History of the Sociology in Paraguay", in the style of an open program and in display. It is expected from this space, to continue providing product knowledge of a research program defined and permanent, as a sine qua non condition for the deepening and extension in the subject under study, that is, the development of Sociology in Paraguay, putting in discussion and problematising, that is understood by sociological, trying to clarify the concept, and also the relationships between two privileges forms of knowledge production in the area, according to their respective assumptions and practices, the one of the strictu sensu research, of a more academic style associated to the university institution almost par excellence, and the one of consulting, more associated to the private field and foundations with the NGO style. <![CDATA[<b><i>The profile of the entrepreneur and studies related to the Latin American Entrepreneurs</i></b>]]> La falta de trabajo y la pobreza son problemas comunes en Iberoamérica. Siendo las pequeñas empresas las de mayor fuente creadora de trabajo en la región, surge la importancia de fomentar la labor del emprendedor para atacar la pobreza. La presente revisión bibliográfica explora las teorías relacionadas al perfil del emprendedor y las investigaciones hechas sobre el mismo en Iberoamérica. Del análisis de estos estudios, se destacan algunas características que refieren a las principales cualidades del emprendedor, como ser: personas innovadoras, creativas, que ven las oportunidades donde los demás solo perciben la rutina, tolerancia al fracaso, perseverancia, necesidad de logro, motivación, optimismo, trabajo arduo, concentración y disfrutar siendo emprendedor. Se observa también la importancia de las investigaciones sobre el emprendedor de cada país, debido a las diferentes situaciones que se encuentran en el entorno externo y la cultura de cada uno de ellos.<hr/>Joblessness and poverty are common problems in Latin America. Being the small enterprises the most creative source of labor in the region, the importance of encouraging entrepreneurs to attack poverty arises. This literature review explores the theories related to the profile of the entrepreneur and the research done on it in Latin America. The analysis of the studies on the entrepreneur, highlights some features that refer to their qualities, such as: innovative, creative people who can see opportunities where others perceive only routine, failure tolerance, perseverance, need for achievement, motivation, optimism, hard work, concentration and enjoy being an entrepreneur. The importance of the study of entrepreneurship in each country is also observed due to the different situations found in the external environment and culture of each one.