Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Compendio de Ciencias Veterinarias]]> vol. 11 num. 1 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[Assessment of the gastric and duodenal mucosa through flexible endoscopy and biopsies in dogs according to diagnostic criteria for gastrointestinal diseases in pet animals.]]> RESUMEN. Los trastornos digestivos son motivos de consultas frecuentes al veterinario; siendo las patologías inflamatorias las más comunes. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar los cambios macroscópicos y microscópicos de la mucosa gástrica y duodenal a través de endoscopia flexible y biopsias, en perros que acudieron al Hospital Veterinario "Prof. Dr. José Vicente Núñez", San Lorenzo - Paraguay en base a criterios propuestos por Jergens et al (2014) y Slovak et al (2015). Se evaluaron un total de cinco animales mayores de un año de edad, sin distinción de raza, tamaño y sexo; aptos para ser sometidos a anestesia profunda, endoscopia y biopsia gastroduodenal. Clínicamente se reportó en dos pacientes, vómito leve y uno de ellos asociado con pérdida de peso. En la endoscopia se observó en las mucosas granularidad; hiperemia; dilatación linfática y masa. Las biopsias demostraron en la mucosa, dilatación de vasos linfáticos; linfocitos intraepiteliales; infiltrado inflamatorio en lámina propia; fibrosis en lámina propia y atrofia de las vellosidades. Las interpretaciones de los resultados de acuerdo a los estándares utilizados fueron irrelevantes en todos los casos. Pero dos casos presentaron síntomas y alteraciones macro- y microscópicas coincidentes con gastropatía y uno de los casos asociado con duodenitis atrófica leve, cuando son confrontados con los hallazgos de los animales sin síntomas.<hr/>ABSTRACT. Digestive diseases continue to be the reason for frequent visits in veterinary clinics and inflammatory pathologies are the most frequent cause. The goal was to evaluate the macroscopic and microscopic changes of the gastric and duodenal mucosa through of flexible endoscopy and biopsies based on criteria proposed by Jergens et al (2014) and Slovak et al (2015), in dogs that consulted in the hospital "Prof. Dr. José Vicente Núñez", San Lorenzo - Paraguay. Five animals older than one year of age, without distinction of race, size and sex were evaluated; all animals suitable to undergo deep anesthesia, endoscopy and gastroduodenal biopsy. Clinically two patients reported mild vomiting and one of them associated with weight loss. Endoscopy performed showed granularity; hyperemia; lymphatic dilation and mass. Biopsies displayed dilatation of lymphatic vessels in the mucosa; intraepithelial lymphocytes; inflammatory infiltrate in lamina propria; fibrosis in lamina propria and atrophy of the villi. Interpretation of the results according to the standards used was irrelevant in all cases. However, two cases presented symptoms and macro- and microscopic alterations coinciding with gastropathy and one of the cases associated with mild atrophic duodenitis, when to compared with asymptomatic animals. <![CDATA[Effect of stocking density and house section on body weight of broilers.]]> RESUMEN. La densidad de alojamiento representa un factor de impacto sobre la rentabilidad avícola. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar los efectos de la densidad de alojamiento y la zona del galpón sobre el desempeño productivo de pollos parrilleros machos y hembras. Se trabajó con 54.000 pollos Cobb500(r) alojados en galpones oscurecidos bajo dos densidades: estándar (14 pollos/m2) y reducida (12 pollos/m2). Se definieron tres zonas: Extractores, Intermedia y Paneles. No se observó efecto de la interacción densidad por zona del galpón sobre el peso final en machos (p=0,574) ni en hembras (p=0,338). Independientemente de la zona, tanto los machos como las hembras bajo densidad reducida fueron más pesados (Machos: 3.265 vs 3.006 g.; Hembras: 2.653 vs. 2535 g; p&lt;0,0001). Los machos de la zona Paneles fueron más pesados al finalizar el ciclo, en tanto que las hembras no mostraron diferencias significativas (Machos: Extractores: 3.086 g; Intermedia: 3.103 g; Paneles: 3.218 g; p&lt;0,0001. Hembras: Extractores: 2.563 g; Intermedia: 2.552 g; Paneles: 2.652,5 g; p&gt;0,05). La disminución de la densidad produjo mejoras en el peso final. La zona del galpón afectó el peso final de los machos. Pese al menor desempeño individual, la mayor densidad permitió obtener una mayor producción de kg de pollo por metro cuadrado.<hr/>ABSTRACT. Stocking density represents a central factor on poultry profitability. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of stocking density and house section on the productive performance of male and female broilers. Cobb500(r) chickens were housed in two darkened houses under two densities: standard (14 chickens/m2) and reduced (12 chickens/m2). Three zones were defined: Extractors, Intermediate and Panels. No effect of density per zone interaction was observed on final weight in males (p= 0.574) and females (p= 0.338). Regardless of the zone, both males and females were heavier (Males: 3,265 vs. 3,006 g; Females: 2,653 vs. 2535 g; p &lt;0.0001) under reduced density. Males from the Panels zone were heavier at the end of the cycle, while the females were not different (Males: Extractors: 3,086 g; Intermediate: 3,103 g; Panels: 3,218 g; p &lt;0.0001. Females: Extractors: 2,563 g; Intermediate: 2,552 g; Panels: 2,652.5 g; p&gt; 0,05). The decrease in stocking density improved final weight. House section affected the final weight of the male chickens. Despite the lower individual performance, the higher density allowed to obtain a higher production in kg of chicken meat per m2. <![CDATA[Evaluation of productive parameters in pig carcasses marketed in the District of Fram - Department of Itapúa, Paraguay .]]> RESUMEN. La investigación se desarrolló en el Departamento de Itapúa, Paraguay para evaluar parámetros productivos en porcinos comercializados en el país. Fueron analizados el peso vivo (PV), peso canal caliente (CC), peso canal fría (CF), rendimiento canal caliente (RCC), rendimiento canal fría (RCF) y merma (M), de 6476 animales procedentes de granjas agrupadas según la distancia al frigorífico en menos de 50 km, de 50 a 100 km y más de 100 km. Los datos se analizaron con el software R, utilizando el test no paramétrico de Kruskal Wallis y el test de Mann-Whitney como prueba pos hoc; para reducir la dimensión y explicar las variaciones observadas se realizó Análisis de Componentes Principales (ACP). Se detectaron diferencias significativas en la mayoría de los parámetros evaluados (p˂0,01); sin embargo, el RCF fue similar entre granjas ubicadas a más de 100 km y de 50 a 100 km, al igual que la merma entre aquellas distantes a menos de 50 km y a más de 100 km (p˃0,05). En general, expusieron mejores parámetros productivos proveedores más alejados del centro de faena. El ACP explicó 81,97% de la varianza total, asociándose al CP1 el PV, CC, CF y vinculándose al CP2 RCC y RCF.<hr/>ABSTRACT. Research was conducted in the department of Itapúa, Paraguay to evaluate the productive parameters in pigs marketed in the country. The following parameters were analyzed: live weight (LW), hot carcass weight (HCW), cold carcass weight (CCW), hot carcass yield (HCY), cold carcass yield (CCY) and depletion (D) from a total of 6,476 animals coming from grouped farms according to the distance to the slaughterhouse in less than 50 km, from 50 to 100 km and more than 100 km. Data were analyzed with R statistical software, applying the Kruskal-Wallis Non-Parametric Test and the Mann-Whitney test as a pos hoc test; to reduce the dimension and to explain the observed variations the principal component analysis mas used (PCA). Significant differences were detected in most of the parameters evaluated (p˂0,01); however, the (CCY) was similar among the farms located farther than 100 km and from 50 to 100 km, as well as the depletion (D) among the farms distant in less than 50 km and more than 100 km (p˃0,05). In general, productive suppliers that were farther from the slaughter center showed better productive parameters. The PCA explained 81,97% of the total variance, being associated to the CP1, the LW, HCW, CCW and being linked to the CP2, HCY and CCY. <![CDATA[Deformidade de bico em Tucanuçu (<em>Ramphastos toco</em>) da região de Chaco húmido no Paraguai: Relato de Caso.]]> RESUMO. Deformidade de bico ocorre em diversas espécies de aves e pode ocorrer por diversos fatores, incluindo os de origem congênita, traumática e nutricional. Ramphastos toco, popularmente, conhecido como tucanuçu, é a maior espécie do gênero e trata-se de uma das espécies mais comuns com ocorrência de deformidades no bico. Possui uma dieta substancialmente baseada em frutos carnosos, desempenhando um papel de grande importância para o ambiente onde vive por contribuir com a função de dispersor de sementes. Embora essas deformidades tenham sido registradas em várias espécies de aves de todo o mundo, raramente são relatadas. Sendo assim, este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar um caso de deformidade no bico em Ramphastos toco, da região de Chaco Húmido no Paraguai. O animal, de vida livre, foi observado durante uma caminhada ecológica, junto a seu grupo social composto por 8 tucanuçus. Com auxílio de um binóculo pode-se verificar que o animal apresentava uma deformidade em sua rinoteca (revestimento córneo da maxila) e que, aparentemente, estava saudável conseguindo se alimentar. Registros, como o do presente relato, são importantes para o conhecimento ornitológico, sendo que o monitoramento destes animais pode contribuir para o melhor conhecimento acerca de deformidades e também sobre a conservação do ambiente local, pelo motivo de que as aves são consideradas um dos principais bioindicadores do estado de conservação do meio ambiente onde vivem. Por consequência, através do estudo da existência de exemplares com anomalias pode-se ter informações do que está acontecendo em determinada região.<hr/>ABSTRACT. Beak deformity occurs in several species of birds and can occur due to several factors, including those of congenital, traumatic and nutritional origin. Ramphastos toco, popularly known as toco toucan and tucanuçu in Portuguese, is the largest species of the genus and one of the most common species with beak deformities. Its diet is based on fleshy fruits, playing a role of great importance for the environment where it lives by contributing with seed dispersal. Although these deformities have been recorded in several species of birds around the world, they are rarely reported. Therefore, this work aims to present a case of beak deformity in Ramphastos toco, from the Humid Chaco of Paraguay. A free-living animal was observed during an ecological walk, together with its social group consisting of 8 toco toucans. With the aid of binoculars, it was possible to verify that the animal had a deformity in its rhinothek (horny lining of the maxilla) and that, apparently, it was healthy and able to feed. Records, such as the one in this report, are important for ornithological knowledge, and the monitoring of these animals can contribute to better knowledge about deformities and also about the conservation of the local environment, as birds are considered one of the main bioindicators of the conservation status in the habitat which they live. Consequently, through the study of the existence of specimens with anomalies, it is possible to obtain information about what is happening in a certain region. <![CDATA[Report of two cases of demodicosis caused by Demodex cati in cats in Asunción, Paraguay.]]> RESUMEN. La demodicosis felina es una patología poco frecuente en gatos y puede ser producida por Demodex cati o D.gatoi, hoy existe un tercer demodex en gatos sin nombre aún. La presentación clínica es variable y dependerá de la especie de Demodex involucrada. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo reportar dos casos de felinos, un macho castrado y una hembra castrada, ambos viviendo en refugios y que fueron rescatados de la vía pública, acuden a consulta por intenso prurito, alopecia, costras y descamación. Se realizaron raspados cutáneos, citología con cinta de acetato y tricogramas para ser evaluados bajo el microscopio. La observación directa reveló la presencia de ácaros compatibles con el género Demodex. Los pacientes tuvieron una evolución favorable sin desarrollar ningún tipo de recidiva en los 10 meses posteriores al tratamiento instaurado. Este es el primer reporte documentado de demodicocis felina en la ciudad de Asunción.<hr/>ABSTRACT. Feline demodicosis is a rare pathology in cats and can be caused by Demodex cati or D.gatoi. Today there is a third demodex in cats without a name yet. The clinical presentation is variable and will depend on the species of Demodex involved. The objective of this work is to report two cases of felines, a neutered male and a neutered female, both living in shelters and who were rescued from the public thoroughfare, they come to the clinic due to intense itching, alopecia, scabs and scaling. Skin scrapings, acetate tape cytology, and trichograms were performed to be evaluated under the microscope. Direct observation revealed the presence of mites compatible with the genus Demodex. The patients had a favorable evolution without developing any type of recurrence in the 10 months after the treatment started. This is the first documented report of feline demodicocis in the city of Asunción <![CDATA[Uveal melanoma in an African pigmeus hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris) A case report.]]> RESUMEN. Los erizos pigmeo africano son una de las nuevas mascotas de compañía y en consulta son cada vez más comunes. Un erizo hembra de 4 años asistió a consulta, presentando una lesión en el ojo izquierdo. Se realizó una revisión oftalmológica y se recomendó una citología para orientar el diagnóstico. Los hallazgos citológicos indicaron que el proceso correspondía a un melanoma. Los melanomas son neoplasias malignas y este caso es el primer reporte realizado en Ecuador, pudiendo ser útil como información base para estudios posteriores.<hr/>ABSTRACT. African pygmy hedgehogs are one of the new companion pets and in consultation they are becoming more and more common. A 4-year-old female hedgehog attended the consultation, presenting a lesion in the left eye. An ophthalmological examination was performed and cytology was recommended to guide the diagnosis. Cytological findings indicated that the process corresponded to a melanoma. Melanomas are malignant neoplasms and this case is the first report in Ecuador, and it could be useful as a base information for further studies.