Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista Internacional de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales]]> vol. 17 num. 1 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[Teaching Reprofessionalization and Inclusion in Times of Pandemic]]> <![CDATA[Adoption of E-commerce: A meta-analytical study]]> RESUMEN El objetivo de la investigación consiste en identificar el nivel de publicaciones científicas existentes sobre la adopción del e-commerce en los últimos 5 años (2014 - 2018) dentro de las bases de datos de Scopus y Web of Science. La investigación estuvo basada en una revisión bibliográfica meta-analítica, enfocándose al diseño no experimental, transeccional y descriptiva. El tipo de muestreo fue intencional realizando dos búsquedas: la primera con la utilización de dos palabras claves “E-commerce e Electronic Commerce” arrojando un total de 537 artículos científicos y la segunda con tres palabras claves “E-commerce, Electronic Commerce e E-commerce adoption”, identificando 13 publicaciones para su posterior análisis. Los resultados más relevantes fueron la predominancia de los estudios empíricos sobre los estudios no empíricos, la inclinación de las investigaciones hacia el sector Pymes y la escasa cantidad de estudios enfocados a realidades Sudamericanas.<hr/>ABSTRACT The objective of the research is to identify the level of existing scientific publications on the adoption of e-commerce in the last 5 years (2014 - 2018) within the databases of Scopus and Web of Science. The research was based on a meta-analytical literature review. The type of sampling was intentional by conducting two searches: the first with the use of two keywords "E-commerce and Electronic Commerce" yielding a total of 537 scientific articles and the second with three key words "E-commerce, Electronic Commerce e -commerce adoption ", identifying 13 publications for further analysis. The most relevant results were the predominance of empirical studies on non-empirical studies, the inclination of research towards the SMEs sector and the scarce amount of studies focused on South American realities. <![CDATA[Active Methodologies in communication with deaf students: evaluation of an Action-Research Experience]]> RESUMO A comunicação com o aluno surdo mediado por metodologias ativas é uma proposta de diálogo direto entre o professor ouvinte e seu aluno surdo. Portanto, todo o diálogo é realizado pelo próprio professor por meio de tecnologias em Libras, sem a presença do intérprete. Assim, esta pesquisa enfatiza a importância do professor buscar formas de se aproximar de seu aluno surdo, acompanhando diretamente o processo de aprendizagem. Para tanto, buscou-se responder ao seguinte problema desta pesquisa: Como o professor ouvinte, irá se comunicar com o aluno surdo, sem o intérprete? O referido estudo tem como objetivo geral: Aproximar o aluno surdo do processo educacional, fortalecendo a comunicação entre o aluno surdo e o professor ouvinte, possibilitando o acompanhamento da evolução do aluno. A coleta de informações deu-se por meio da técnica qualitativa, mais especificamente, os dados foram coletados por meio de: aprendizagem/campo, entrevista, bitácora/registro de informação, observação e lista de controle. A pesquisa foi realizada entre fevereiro e julho de 2020 com o aluno surdo do segundo período da disciplina de engenheiro civil do Centro de Ensino Superior de Arcoverde. De acordo com os resultados alcançados, o aluno surdo conseguiu construir seus conhecimentos e acompanhar a sala de aula, assim como o professor atingiu o propósito de sentir de perto a compreensão e evolução do seu aluno surdo.<hr/>ABSTRACT Communication with the deaf student mediated by active methodologies is a proposal for direct dialogue between the hearing teacher and his deaf student. Therefore, all dialogue is carried out by the teacher himself through technologies in Libras, without the presence of the interpreter. Thus, this research emphasizes the importance of the teacher seeking ways to approach his deaf student, directly following the learning process. To this end, we sought to answer the following problem of this research: How will the hearing teacher communicate with the deaf student, without the interpreter? This study has as general objective: To bring deaf students closer to the educational process, strengthening communication between the deaf student and the hearing teacher, enabling the monitoring of the student's evolution. The information was collected through the qualitative technique, more specifically, the data were collected through: learning/field, interview, bitakora/information record, observation and control list. The research was conducted between February and July 2020 with the deaf student of the second period of the civil engineer discipline of the Arcoverde Higher Education Center. According to the results achieved, the deaf student was able to build his knowledge and follow the classroom, just as the teacher achieved the purpose of feeling closely the understanding and evolution of his deaf student. <![CDATA[Legal aspects of the exploitation of the natural resources of the Moon: the regolith]]> RESUMEN En el presente trabajo se realizará un estudio sobre la explotación de los recursos naturales que se encuentran en la Luna, principalmente el regolito o polvo lunar enfocado a determinar si la regulación en el Tratado del Espacio y en el Acuerdo Luna permite la explotación del mismo, así como los problemas jurídicos que se pueden plantear respecto a la titularidad de ese bien, y su comercialización. Se analizará también las consecuencias futuras que pueden desencadenar la explotación de los recursos naturales como consecuencia de la evolución de las misiones espaciales con destino a la Luna.<hr/>ABSTRACT In this paper, a study will be carried out on the exploitation of natural resources found on the Moon, mainly regolith or lunar dust, focused on determining whether the regulation in the Space Treaty and the Moon Agreement allows its exploitation, as well as the legal problems that may arise regarding the ownership of that asset, and its commercialization. It will also analyze the future consequences that may trigger the exploitation of natural resources as a consequence of the evolution of space missions to the Moon. <![CDATA[Convergence among public policies: A consumption chain approach to overcome the economic recession caused by COVID19]]> RESUMEN La mayor cantidad de empresas establecidas en México son microempresas, las cuales son unidades de negocio especialmente vulnerables a entornos de recesión económica. Debido a un inminente escenario de recesión económica generado por las medidas de contención de la pandemia del virus SARS-Cov-2, se propone un modelo para incrementar la rentabilidad de cada participante de la cadena de consumo de comercios minoristas mediante un efecto marginal trazable en los ingresos de los distintos participantes, con base en datos de la Encuesta Mensual sobre Empresas Comerciales, lo cual puede ser útil para diseñar políticas públicas de apoyo a la recuperación pos-pandemia.<hr/>ABSTRACT The highest amount of companies stablished in the country are microbusinesses, which are especially vulnerable to economic recession environments. Because of an imminent recession caused by the containment measures for the pandemic of the SARS-Cov-2 virus, the present work proposes a model that aloud to estimate an increase in the profitability of each participant in a consumption chain of retail stores through a marginal effect traceable in the revenues of the diverse participant, based in the data available in the Monthly Survey of Commercial Companies which can be used as basis to design public policies for recovery after the pandemic. <![CDATA[Developmet of Soft Skills in Engineering Edcatio through Cross-Evaluation]]> Resumen Este trabajo presenta la metodología, resultados y conclusiones que se obtuvieron de la implementación de metodología activa de fomento al pensamiento crítico dentro de un curso de ingeniería en educación superior. El objetivo ha sido desarrollar en los estudiantes competencias transversales relacionadas con el trabajo colaborativo y el pensamiento crítico a través de evaluaciones cruzadas en el contexto de un curso disciplinar. Para ello, se ha diseñado, implementado y evaluado una unidad didáctica, lo que permitió sistematizar el progreso de los estudiantes. Las principales conclusiones indican que este trabajo permite mejorar la adquisición de contenidos y contribuir con el desarrollo de las competencias transversales relacionadas con el trabajo colaborativo y el pensamiento crítico. Además, favorece la estandarización de la enseñanza, contribuyendo con el aseguramiento de la calidad.<hr/>Abstract This paper presents the methodology, results and conclusions obtained from the implementation of an active methodology to promote critical thinking within an engineering course in higher education. The main goal has been to develop in students soft competences related to collaborative work and critical thinking through cross-checking in the context of a disciplinary course. To this end, a didactic unit has been designed, implemented and evaluated, which has made it possible to systematize the student progress. The main findings indicate that this work makes it possible 1) to improve the acquisition of contents and 2) to contribute to the development of soft skills related to collaborative work and critical thinking. Furthermore, it favors the standardization of teaching, contributing to quality assurance. <![CDATA[Internal Marketing: A tool for the effective Human Capital Management]]> Resumen Durante los últimos tiempos se ha considerado al capital humano como el recurso más valioso para toda organización, dado que, sin él no podrían llegarse a cumplir los objetivos planificados. En la búsqueda de herramientas para gestionar de una manera más efectiva a los clientes internos (colaboradores), surgió el endomarketing durante la década de 1970 como un enfoque que buscó adaptar el marketing transaccional a la gestión de recursos humanos; procurando mejorar los niveles de productividad y compromiso organizacional. Dentro del endomarketing se destaca el rol de la comunicación interna como un factor clave para la toma de decisiones y en la creación de la marca interna, la cual permite una mayor identificación de los colaboradores con la organización. A través de la presente revisión teórica se busca dar a conocer las principales concepciones y planteamientos con respecto al endomarketing; para dicho fin, se ha realizado una exhaustiva y minuciosa búsqueda bibliográfica, la misma que ha permitido asimilar los tópicos más importantes sobre esta tendencia de marketing.<hr/>Abstract In recent times, human capital has been considered the most valuable resource for any company, since without it, the planned objectives could not be achieved. In the search for tools to manage internal customers (collaborators) more effectively, internal marketing emerged during the 1970s as an approach that sought to adapt transactional marketing to human resource management, seeking to improve levels of productivity and engagement. Within internal marketing, the role of internal communication stands out as a key factor in decision making and in the creation of the internal branding, which allows a greater identification of the collaborators with the company. Through this theoretical review, the main concepts and approaches to internal marketing are made known; for this purpose, an exhaustive and meticulous bibliographic search has been carried out, which has allowed the most important topics on this marketing trend to be assimilated. <![CDATA[Development Management and Political Administration]]> Resumo Este ensaio tem por objetivo debater a contribuição da noção de administração política para o entendimento da gestão do desenvolvimento. Os métodos empregados foram a revisão de literatura e a discussão argumentativa-dedutiva. A administração política é uma proposta teórica surgida na Escola da Administração da Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brasil, a partir da premissa de que as categorias de gestão e administração poderiam ser empregadas para analisar aspectos macroestruturantes das sociedades capitalistas. Neste trabalho, parte-se do entendimento de que o desenvolvimento é a face aparente, o fenômeno que representa a dinâmica do capital. Dessa maneira, o desenvolvimento a partir da ação do Estado teria como objetivo principal e mais importante assistir aos processos de valorização e acumulação de capital. A lógica do desenvolvimento conformaria um conjunto de pressupostos de gestão e institucionalidades, resultantes da disputa de poder e interesses a partir das classes e frações de classe. Por conseguinte, se encontra organicamente enraizada na sociabilidade capitalista, representando suas fissuras e contradições.<hr/>Abstract This essay aims to discuss the contribution of the theory of political administration to the development management. The method engaged were the literature review and argumentative-deductive debate. The political administration movement is a theoretical proposal that emerged at the Business School of the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. It is based upon the premise that the categories of management and administration could be used to analyze macro-structural aspects of capitalist societies. This work starts from the common ground that development is the apparent face, the phenomenon that represents the dynamics of capital. Considering the State is commissioned of the development agenda, which the main and most important objective is to assist the processes of capital appreciation and accumulation. The logic of development would conform to a set of management and institutional standards, resulting from the dispute of power and interests from the classes and class fractions. Consequently, it is organically rooted in capitalist sociability, representing its fractures and contradictions. <![CDATA[Influence of television on the perception of insecurity and fear of crime of the Paraguayan population]]> RESUMEN Este artículo analiza la influencia que ejerce la televisión, a través de los programas de noticias sobre inseguridad que transmiten dos canales privados, Telefuturo y SNT en la percepción de inseguridad y miedo al delito de la población paraguaya, mediante la caracterización de estas noticias y entrevistas realizadas a periodistas y cronistas que trabajan en la presentación de este tipo de noticias. Los resultados dan cuenta de la intención de generar miedo por el rating que este genera y que las noticias sobre inseguridad de ambos canales poseen características propias de la Criminología Mediática como el sensacionalismo, generalización, repetición de noticias, sensibilización del espectador, visibilización de hechos violentos, estereotipos criminales, desconocimientos y prejuicios de los periodistas que influirían en la percepción y el miedo de los televidentes.<hr/>ABSTRACT This article analyzes the influence that television through the newscast about insecurity of two private channels, Telefuturo and SNT, on the perception of insecurity and fear of crime the Paraguayan population, with the characterization of this news and interviews with journalists and chroniclers that work in the presentation of this kind of news. The results indicate the intention to generate fear because of the rating this would generate and the news about insecurity have certain characteristics such as sensationalism, generalization, repetition of news, awareness of the viewer, visibility of violent events, criminal stereotypes , ignorance and prejudice of journalists that would influence people's perception and fear of insecurity. <![CDATA[Need for Transformational Hebegogy]]> RESUMEN Al hablar de educación, es necesario reflexionar que está más que un instrumento de enseñanza o un canal para un conocimiento intelectual, debe verse como uno delos derechos más importantes, pero a su vez de carácter inclaudicables para que el mundo no sea, sino que siga siendo mundo, de acuerdo a que este derecho, no solo hace que el ser humano se forme, sino que se transforme en función de que su actuación en la sociedad sea de carácter pertinente. Ahora bien, desde el punto de vista de la educación media y diversificada de acuerdo a las ciencias agógicas no pueden centrarse en la pedagogía ya que de acuerdo a la etapa biológica, psicológicas y sociológica y social donde los adolescentes transitan, su praxis educativa debe estar de acuerdo a sus condiciones y no a las determinaciones de un sistema educativo que no enseña a pensar sino obedecer, en correspondencia se plantea una Hebegogía Transformacional el cual sabiendo que la hebegogía es la educación a los adolescentes esta debe tener un sentido transformador no solo del educando sino del contexto social donde se desenvuelve.<hr/>ABSTRACT When talking about education, it is necessary to reflect that this is more than a teaching instrument or a channel for intellectual knowledge, it should be seen as one of the most important rights but at the same time inclaudicable so that the world is not but remains a world, according to the fact that this right not only causes the human being to be formed but to be transformed according to the fact that his performance in society is pertinent. Now, from the point of view of secondary and diversified education according to the agogic sciences, they cannot focus on pedagogy since, according to the biological, psychological and sociological and social stage where adolescents travel, their educational praxis must be according to their conditions and not to the determinations of an educational system that does not teach to think but to obey, in correspondence a Transformational Hebegogy is posed which, knowing that hebegogy is the education of adolescents, must have a transformative sense not only of educating but of the social context where it unfolds. <![CDATA[Mining corporate social responsibility and socio-environmental conflicts in Peru]]> Resumen En lugares donde se desarrollan proyectos mineros se presenta un alto índice de conflictividad social, poniendo en riesgo la gobernabilidad y el orden público, lo que ha obligado al Estado y a las empresas mineras a implementar políticas que mejoren las relaciones Estado-empresa-comunidad. El objetivo de este artículo de revisión fue analizar la responsabilidad social empresarial del sector minero y su relación con los conflictos socioambientales en el Perú durante los últimos cinco años a través de la revisión de artículos científicos publicados en revistas indexadas o de documentos especializados. El resultado evidencia que las empresas implementaron acciones de responsabilidad social empresarial y/o corporativa con dinámicas diferentes, así como que hay diversos factores que desencadenan escenarios de conflictividad.<hr/>Abstract In places where mining projects are developed, there is a high rate of social conflict, putting governance and public order at risk, which has forced the state and mining companies to implement policies that improve state, business and community relations. The objective of this bibliographic review is to analyze the corporate social responsibility of the mining sector and its relationship with socio-environmental conflicts in Peru, over the past five years, through the review of scientific articles published in indexed journals or specialized documents. The result shows that companies implemented corporate and/or corporate social responsibility actions with different dynamics and there are several factors that trigger conflict scenarios. <![CDATA[Sense of community and psychological well-being in populations in situations of social vulnerability due to natural disasters]]> Resumen El impacto de los desastres naturales puede afectar la salud mental de las comunidades de manera determinante tanto a nivel personal como colectivo. Es por ello, que investigamos la relación entre el bienestar psicológico y sentido de comunidad de las personas de una zona de alta vulnerabilidad hacia desastre naturales en el este de Lima - Perú donde se presentan con mayor incidencia grandes deslizamientos de lodo y piedras llamados “Huaicos”. Participaron 55 pobladores adultos de los cuales 56.4% eran mujeres y el 43.7 % eran hombres. Se aplicó el Cuestionario de Bienestar Psicológico y la Escala de Sentido de Comunidad (SCI2) adaptada para poblaciones en condiciones de vulnerabilidad. Se encontró que las personas con estudios superiores tienen mayor bienestar psicológico que las personas que cuentan solo con estudios escolares. En el caso de sentido de comunidad, la edad está relacionada directamente (r=.30, p&lt;.05). En general, podemos afirmar que existen diferentes variables mediadoras para el análisis personal y comunitario entre el bienestar psicológico con el sentido de comunidad como la edad y la educación. Por ello, los elementos sociodemográficos en este contexto son esenciales para entender las dinámicas comunitarias en situaciones de desastres.<hr/>Abstract The impact of natural disasters affect the mental health of communities at a personal and collective level. For this reason, we investigated the relationship between the psychological well-being and sense of community of people in an area of ​​high vulnerability to natural disasters in eastern Lima - Peru, where landslides and stones called "Huaicos" occur. 55 adult participated, of which 56.4% were women and 43.7% were men. The Psychological Well-Being Questionnaire and the Sense of Community Index (SCI2) adapted for populations in vulnerable conditions. It was found that people with higher education have greater psychological well-being than people with only school education. In case of a sense of community, age is directly proportional related (r = .30, p &lt;.05). In general, we can affirm that there are different mediating variables for personal and community analysis between psychological well-being with a sense of community such as age and education. Therefore, the sociodemographic elements in this context are essential to understand community dynamics in disaster situations.