Papers submitted to the journal of the UCSA shall comply with the following instructions, commensurate with style and nature of the Journal.
Presentation of articles
- Author or authors: present the full name and surname of each of the authors, include email and the ORCID ID of each one of them.
Contribution of authors: An example could be the following: MA and FB participated in the conception and design of the work, collection and obtaining of results, analysis and interpretation of data, writing of the manuscript, critical review of the manuscript and approval of its final version . MA participated in the analysis and interpretation of data, drafting of the manuscript, critical review of the manuscript and approval of its final version.
Full institutional affiliation: full name of the center, department and / or institution to which the authors belong, the city and the country.
- Corresponding author: define the corresponding author and his email. Funding Source: In the case of a research report with funding, the data of the research project to which the article belongs must be mentioned: project number, year and source of funding. Conflicts of interest: Indicate whether or not the authors have potential conflicts of interest to declare. Submission date: include the submission date of the manuscript.
Manuscripts should be divided into the following items: title, author names and affiliation, abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgements and references. Funding sources should be mentioned in a footnote on the first page.
1) Abstract and keywords
Second page should include an abstract with a length of less or equal to 250 words. It should have only one paragraph and be written in past tense. It should contain: title, introduction or background, study design, objectives, material and methods (population, interventions, statistical analysis), most important results, and main conclusions. Subtitles of these sections should not be written within the abstract. Emphasize the new and important aspects or observations of the study. The following summary is included of 3 to 5 keywords that allow indicators to classify the article.It should also include a summary in English with their respective keywords.
2) Introduction
State the objectives of the paper. Summarize the logical foundation of the study or observation. Mention the strictly pertinent references without making an extensive review of the subject. Do not include data or conclusions of the study.
3) Material and methods
Clearly describe the way subjects, samples or participants were selected. Identify the methods, equipment and procedures with enough details so that other researchers could reproduce the results. Provide references of the accredited methods, including statistical ones. Identify exactly the drugs and chemical products used without forgetting generic names, dose and administration vias. Do not use the name, initials or clinical record number of patients, especially in the illustrative material. Describe the statistical methods with enough details so that the reader, knowledgeable in the subject and with access to the original data, could verify the informed results. If and when possible, quantify the results and present them with appropriate error indicators or measure uncertainty (for example: confidence intervals). Do not depend exclusively on tests of statistical hypotheses verification such as the use of p values that do not transmit important quantitative information. Provide details of subject randomization. Specify the software used.
4) Results
Present results following a logical sequence using text, tables and figures. Do not repeat in the text the data of illustrations, figures or tables: emphasize or summarize only the important observations. The tables, figures and photos should be presented separated from the text, vertically and consecutively. Tables should be adjusted to the publication format and the journal may modify them in case they present technical difficulties. The number of graphics to present (generally no more than five) should be included in a separate file with an explanation note. Describe what you have obtained without including bibliographic references.
5) Discussion
Emphasize the aspects of the study and the conclusions obtained from it. Do not repeat data or any other information in detail already mentioned in the introduction and results area. Explain in this section the meaning of the results and their limitations, including the consequences for future research. Relate the observations with other pertinent studies. Establish the nexus between conclusions and objectives of the study but refrain from making general affirmations and do not come to conclusions that are not completely supported by the data. Propose new hypotheses when there is a justification for them but identify them clearly as such. When appropriate, include recommendations.
Document that result from other research where the results of investigations about a science field or technology, published or unpublished, are systematized and integrated in order to report development advances and trends. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.
They will be requested by the Editorial Board and like the reviews, they should contribute to a real scientific interest but without the depth of critical analysis required by a review. They need an introduction, text and conclusions. And they should include no more than four graphics or figures. They should have: 1. Title in Spanish and English 2. Abstract and keywords in English and Spanish (no more than 250 words). 3. Development of the subject. 4. Conclusion. 5. Bibliography. d) CASE REPORT Clinical cases of one to three patients or a whole family are described. In this case, the text should have no more than 2,000 words and include the following points: 1. Title in Spanish and English. 2. Abstract and keywords in English and Spanish 3. A brief introduction. 4. Cases presentation. 5. Case discussion based in literature and if possible, including the differential diagnosis. 6. References should be no more than 25. 7. Tables and figures, three in total.
They are short communications with several objectives: 1) Encourage discussion of the articles published in the Journal of UCSA. The scientific community is invited to write constructive criticism no longer than two pages and in a time of no longer than two months. 2) Communication of brief scientific observations which the author does not require the space of an original article. In this case, a maximum of 3 pages, a table or figure and five bibliographic references will be requested. The authors should not be more than three with one of them being the corresponding author.
Communications that involve few results, preliminary in general, that are not enough for a full paper. These communications should follow the items of a full paper succinctly but in such a way that reachs a maximum of 3 pages. All items will be made like in a full paper (acknowledgement, bibliography, figures).
Manuscript written by the editor, a member of the editorial board or an invited researcher about the orientation of the theme of the journal.
f) Other sections
Analysis / Reflection, summaries of congresses, conferences or scientific meetings, reviews, standards and technical specifications. |