ISSN 2304-7887
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Scope and policy

How the journal started
The Journal of the Secretaría del Tribunal Permanente de Revisión is a space created by the TPR Secretariat for the publication of academic articles that involve general issues of law such as regionalism, integration, international organizations and especially MERCOSUR law.
The languages of the journal are the official languages of MERCOSUR: Spanish and Portuguese. Papers can also be presented in English and French.

Topics and scopes
Although the main purpose of the project is the dissemination of MERCOSUR law, the publication is not restricted to the right of the regional organization. Academic productions dealing with the Mercosur legal framework, such as general international law, international economic law and the law of integration, may be integrated into the project.

Review system
The works presented are analyzed by a technical council under the modality double blind review, that is, anonymously. The members of the technical council are professors, scholars and law researchers with a notable academic background and have full freedom to criticize, revise, approve and disapprove the articles presented. Your identification is reserved and considered the review issued as if belong to the journal.
The articles are unpublished, of scientific rigor and do not represent in any hypothesis the opinion of the TPR in the subjects discussed. The journal accepts articles published in preprints servers.
Articles are subjected to a plagiarism detection program and a 20% of similitude is accepted. If the program detects bibliographic citations that are not referenced correctly, the work is not published.
In terms of format, articles must meet the criteria and requirements established in this editorial standard. Such format criteria constitute, together with the content analysis, an essential condition for its publication, for which reason they will be submitted to the Editorial Team consideration.
The review time is approximately 6 to 10 weeks.

Cost Free publication
The journal is not for profit.
The submission and the publication of the articles are not subject to any cost.
The published content is totally available online for free.

General Criteria for Acceptance of Manuscripts
The articles will be unpublished, of scientific rigor and do not represent in any hypothesis the opinion of the TPR regarding the subjects addressed by the author.
The journal reserves all legal rights of reproduction of the content.
The submission of articles by the author implies authorization for publication in the Journal of the of the Secretaría del Tribunal Permanente de Revisión. This process ends with the signing of a letter of cession of rights by the author. The articles will be sent exclusively through the journal page
Under no circumstances articles will be received by another means of communication.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

The article sent must be editable, in the .doc extension; Sheet size A4, with 3 cm of upper left margin and 2 cm in lower right.
In the original format the typography "Times New Roman" will be used, size 12, normal style and justified. Line spacing 1.5; Without space between paragraphs. The initial paragraphs at 1.25 cm. of indentation.
The original file must contain a minimum of 15 (fifteen) pages and should not exceed 20 (twenty) pages, including title, abstract, development, bibliographical references, tables, graphics and images if there any.
In case the article contains tables or statistical graphs, they must have a title in the body of the article in "Times New Roman", size 10, normal style. It is required to send them in an electronic spreadsheet file.
In case the article contains images, they must have a title in the body of the article in "Times New Roman", size 10, normal style. It is required to send them in an image editing format (JPG, TIF, GIF, PNG) with a minimum height of 700 px, with a resolution of 300 dpi.
These files must be uploaded in the "Step 4 Upload additional file" during the article submission process.

The article structure should contain:
Title: in the original language of the text and faithful translation to the other language of the journal. It should not exceed 20 words, expressing the main content of the work in an objective and clear way. The editorial team reserves the right to make adjustments to it.
Explanatory notes: when they correspond to the title should be inserted at the end of the page with the call *.
Summary: in Spanish and Portuguese, it consists of a sequence of concise and objective sentences that give a general idea of the article. Must not exceed 250 pages in each language.
Keywords: in Portuguese and Spanish, 3 to 5 words representing the content of the paper that should be located after the abstract should be indicated, separated by a comma preceded by the expression "Palabras clave o Palavras-chave".
Article Body: It should consist of the following structure: INTRODUCTION, DEVELOPMENT and CONCLUSION.
DEVELOPMENT can be subdivided.
The development of the article will be numbered with Arabic number beginning the Introduction with the number 1.
The text you want to highlight within a paragraph should be written in italics, with no bold or underlined use anywhere.
The notes should be inserted at the end of each page, without indentation, "Times New Roman" font, size 10, with sequential numbering starting with the number 1 in the body of the article. They will be for the use of explanatory notes of the text and of citation-notes.
Direct quotes
Direct quotes that go beyond 3 (three) lines must start in a new paragraph with a different margin, in "Times New Roman" 10, single spacing and must end in the right margin. The quotation marks should be deleted and a blank line should be left before and after the appointment.
Quotes in notes
The quote-note system will be used, inserting a number as superscript after each quote that forwards the note. These notes may contain citations or citations references. A note number is used for each citation or each citation group; The corresponding note may cite more than one document.
a) First citation 
The first citation to a document must contain the necessary elements to ensure the exact correspondence between the citation and the appropriate entry within the list of bibliographic references.
The first citation should include at least the author's name (s) and full title, as they appear within the bibliographic reference followed by the page numbers citated, if necessary.
If the author (s) and title are not sufficient to differentiate the entries from the list of bibliographic references, the citation shall include the supplementary elements (edition, year of publication, etc.) necessary to ensure the exact correspondence with the reference.
Ainda assim, o art. 21 Regulamento 650/2012 pressupõe que cada pessoa tenha uma residência habitual. Pois um ponto de conexão subsidiário – como, por exemplo, a presença fática1 – não é encontrado na norma. Além disso, o Considerando 24, frases 3 e 4, contempla este caso, mencionando que, sob estas circunstâncias, a nacionalidade da pessoa ou o local da situação dos seus principais bens poderiam ser “um fator especial” na apreciação de todas as circunstâncias fáticas. Desta maneira, o legislador europeu dá a entender que, para fins do Regulamento 650/2012, uma pessoa sem residência habitual não existe2.
Citation in footnotes:
1. VON BAR, Christian; MANKOWSKI Peter. Internationales Privatrecht Band I – Allgemeine Lehren, p. 568-569.
2. En sentido divergente, KUNZ Lena. “Die neue europäische Erbrechtsverordnung – ein Überblick (Teil 1)”. Zeitschrift für Gemeinschaftsprivatrecht. 2012, vol 3, p. 208-210, afirmando que podem existir casos nos quais a residência habitual é indeterminável. Sem posição manifesta, com base na Proposta do Regulamento; SCHURIG Klaus. “Das internationale Erbrecht wird europäisch – Bemerkungen zur kommenden Europäischen Verordnung”. Em: BERNREUTHER, Jörn; FREITAG, Robert; LEIBLE, Stefan; SIPPEL, Harald; WANITZEK, Ulrike. Festschrift für Ulrich Spellenberg. 2010. p. 343, 346.
b) Second citation and the following
If a document is cited several times, the following citations are given different numbers. 
The second citation from a document and the following may be reduced to the name (s) of the author (s) and a summary title, followed by one of the following abbreviations as correspond:
Op. Cit.: Quoted work. It is used when referring to a previously mentioned but not consecutive quote and when it corresponds to different pages. Repeat the author’s surname and name followed by Op. Cit. and the page number.
If the author (s) were not sufficient to differentiate the entries within the list of bibliographic references, the citation will include the title of the cited publication.
6. DRNAS DE CLEMENT, Zlata. La “cláusula ambiental” en el MERCOSUR, p. 8.
7. ……
15. ……
16. DRNAS DE CLEMENT, Zlata. Op. cit., p. 84. 
Ídem.: Like the previous reference. It is used when the current citation comes from the same work and from the same page as the immediately preceding citation.
6. DRNAS DE CLEMENT, Zlata. La “cláusula ambiental” en el MERCOSUR, p. 8.
7. Ídem.
Ibíd.: In the same place. It is used to avoid the repetition of the previous citation in case it was a different page, but of the same work cited.
6. DRNAS DE CLEMENT, Zlata. La “cláusula ambiental” en el MERCOSUR, p. 8.
7. Ibíd., p. 24.
Thanks: If necessary, with a maximum of 20 words, at the end of the article and before the bibliographic references.
Bibliographic references: will be incorporated at the end of the article, under the title BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES where the works cited in the body of the text must be included. The ISO 690 and ISO 690-2 format will be used and will be sorted alphabetically by authors' last names.

SURNAME, Names. Title of the book -in italics-. Edition number. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication.
Mention of the edition number is made from the second edition.
One Author
FERREIRA FILHO, Manuel Gonçalves. Direitos Humanos Fundamentais. 6ª ed. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2004.
Two Authors
KISS, Alexandre e SHELTON Dinah.Guide to international environmental law. Leiden: Koninklijke Brill NV, 2007.
More than two authors
MONCAYO, Guillermo; VINUESA, Raúl y GUTIÉRREZ POSSE, Hortensia. Derecho Internacional Público. Buenos Aires: Zavalía, 1997.
Corporate author
PARAGUAY. CORTE SUPREMA DE JUSTICIA. Compilación de tratados de derecho internacional privado suscritos en el sistema interamericano entre 1888 y 1994: tratados de Montevideo y convenciones interamericanas sobre derecho internacional privado. Asunción: CSJ, 1998.
Editor, coordinator, compiler, book organizer
HOWARD, Michael; ANDREOPOULOS, George; SHULMAN, Mark (eds).The Laws of War: constraints on warfare in the Western World. New Haven, London: Yale University Press, 1994.
For all cases use (ed) or (eds) according to one or more authors.
SURNAME -in uppercase-, Names of the author of the chapter. "Title of the book chapter -between quotation marks-". In: SURNAME -in uppercase-, Names of the publisher (s) of the book followed by the abbreviation in parentheses (ed) or (eds) depending on the case. Title of the book -in italics-. Edition number. City of publication: Publisher, year of publication. Start and end pages of the chapter.
FELDSTEIN DE CÁRDENAS, Sara Lidia; SCOTTI, Luciana Beatriz. “¿Soberanía o crisis de la Lex Mercatoria?”. En: FELDSTEIN DE CÁRDENAS, Sara Lidia (ed). Derecho internacional privado y de la integración. Buenos Aires: La Ley, 2011.p. 543-559.
SURNAME -in uppercase-, Author names. "Title of the book chapter -between quotation marks-". In: SURNAME -in uppercase-, Names of the publisher (s) of the book followed by the abbreviation in parentheses (ed) or (eds) depending on the case. Title of the book -in italics-. Edition number. City of publication: Publisher, year of publication. (Name the collection or series and the volume or number thereof).
DREYZIN DE KLOR, Adriana; FERNÁNDEZ ARROYO, Diego (ed). Inversiones Extranjeras. Buenos Aires: Zavalia, 2005. (DeCITA 03.2005).
Title of the journal -in italics-, place of publication, vol, number. Year of publication.
BUSINES review, New York, vol 25, nº 10. 1993.
SURNAME -in capitals-, Names. "Title of the article -between quotation marks". Title of the journal -in italics-. Year of publication, vol, number, tart and end pages of the article.

One Author
LACERDA, Antônio Corrêa de. “Investimentos diretos estrangeiros e políticas de desenvolvimento”. Revista Administração em Diálogo. 2003, nº 5, p. 11-18.
Two authors or more authors
SARTI, Fernando e LAPLANE, Mariano F. “O investimento direto estrangeiro e a internacionalização da economia brasileira nos anos 1990”. Revista Economia e Sociedade. 2002, vol 11, nº 1, p. 63-94.
"Title of the article -between quotation marks-". Title of the newspaper -in italics-. Date of publication, page
“Informe de IPA confirma situación de crisis hídrica en región norte”. Diario Cambio. 30 dez 2014, p. 14
SURNAME -in uppercase-, Author names. "Title -between-quotes-" [Type of document]. Supervisor. Academic institution in which it presents. Place, year.
VILLAR, Pillar Carolina. “A busca pela governança dos aquíferos transfronteiriços e o caso do aquífero guarani”. [Tese de doutorado]. Orientador: Wagner Ribeiro. Universidade de São Paulo.  São  Paulo, 2012 .
SURNAME -in uppercase-, Names of the author of the chapter. Title of report -in italics-. Place of publication: publisher, year. (Report Type)
GUIRARDO ROMERO, Nuria. Proyecto de conservación y recuperación de una especie amenazada. Almeria: s.n, 1988. (Informe técnico de la Dirección General del Medio Ambiente).
Name of congress, conference or meeting in italics- (conference number, date and venue -between parentheses-) Title of the minutes. Secondary responsibility. Place of publication: publisher, year.
Congresso Brasileiro de Direito Internacional (5º, 2007). Estudos de direito internacional: anai. Menezes, Wagner (ed). Curitiba:Juruá, 2007, vol. X.
SURNAME -in uppercase-, Names of the author of the chapter. "Title of the presentation -between quotation marks-". In: Name of the congress, conference or meeting in italics- (conference number, date and venue -between parentheses-) Title of the minutes. Secondary responsibility. Place of publication: editorial, year, vol., Start and end pages.
ALMEIDA, Guilherme de Vasconcellos. “A apropriação da cultura pelos estados nacionalistas nos fins do século XIX. Uma hipótese: a utilização da cultura como fator de análise das relações internacionais”. En: Congresso Brasileiro de Direito Internacional (5º, 2007). Estudos de direito internacional: anai. MENEZES, Wagner (ed). Curitiba:Juruá, 2007, vol. X. p. 224-230.
Country. Title. Official publication in which it is published, date of publication, number, pages.
ESPAÑA. Ley Orgánica 9/2011, de 27 de julio, de derechos y deberes de los miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas. Boletín Oficial del Estado, 28 de julio de 2011, núm. 180.
MERCOSUR. Tratado de Asunción, firmado en Asunción, República del Paraguay, el 26 de marzo de 1991.
MERCOSUR. Protocolo de Olivos para la Solución de Controversias en el MERCOSUR, firmado en Olivos, Provincia de Buenos Aires, República Argentina, el 18 de febrero de 2002.
MERCOSUR. Decision MERCOSUR/CMC/DEC. No. 40/00. Agreement of cooperation between the central banks of the MERCOSUR States Parties for the prevention and repression of maneuvers aiming at the legitimation of assets derived from illicit activities, signed in Florianópolis-SC, Federative Republic of Brazil, on December 14, 2000.
National court jurisprudence
ESPAÑA. TRIBUNAL SUPREMO (Sala de lo Civil, Sección 1ª). Sentencia núm. 544/2011, de 27 julio.
International Court Jurisprudence
TRIBUNAL EUROPEO DE DERECHOS HUMANOS (Sección 2ª). Caso Capriati contra Italia. Sentencia de 26 julio 2011.
TRIBUNAL PERMANENTE DE REVISIÓN DEL MERCOSUR. Caso Procedimiento Excepcional de Urgencia solicitado por la República del Paraguay en relación con la suspensión de su participación en los órganos del Mercado Común del Sur (MERCOSUR) y a la incorporación de Venezuela como miembro pleno. Laudo 01/2012 del 21 de julio de 2012. [fecha de consulta: 3 de enero de 2015].
Disponible en: <>.
SURNAME -in capitals-, Names Title of the book -in italics- [online]. Edition number. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication [date of consultation]. Available in: <page address>
One Author
MONGE-NARANJO, Alexander. The Impact of NAFTA on Foreign Direct Investment flows in Mexico and the Excluded Countries [en línea]. s.l: Department of Economics. Northwestern University, 2002 [fecha de consulta 30 de diciembre de 2014]. Disponible en: < PDF/MONGE_NA.PDF>.
More than one author
BURREL, A.; FERRARI, E.; GONZÁLEZ MELLADO, A; HIMICS, M.; MICHALEK, M.; SHRESTHA, S.; VAN DOORSLAER, B.; (2011) Potential EU-Mercosur free trade agreement: impact assessment. Volume 1: main results. Luxembourg: European Union [en línea]. Luxembourg: European Union, 2011 [fecha de consulta: 21 de octubre de2012]. Disponible en: <>
Corporate author
UNCTAD. World Investment Report 2011: non-equity modes of international production and development [en línea]. Genebra: UN Publications, 2011 [acceso 28 de marzo de 2014]. Disponível em: <>.
SURNAME -in uppercase- Names of the author of the chapter. "Title of the book chapter -between quotation marks-". In: SURNAME -in uppercase-, Names of the publisher (s) of the book followed by the abbreviation in parentheses (ed) or (eds) depending on the case. Title of the book -in italics- [online]. Number of the edition. City of publication: Publisher, year of publication. Start and end pages of the chapter [date of the consultation]. Available at: <web address>.
SURNAME -in uppercase-, Names of the author of the chapter. "Title of the book chapter -between quotation marks-". In: SURNAME -in uppercase-, Names of the publisher (s) of the book followed by the abbreviation in parentheses (ed) or (eds) depending on the case. Title of the book -in italics- [online]. Edition number. City of publication: Publisher, year of publication. (Name the collection or series and the volume or number thereof) [Date of the consultation]. Available at: <web address>.
Title of the journal -in italics- [online], Place of publication, vol, number. Year of publication.
BUSINES review, New York, vol 25, nº 10. 1993.
SURNAME -in uppercase-, Names. "Article title -between quotation marks-" [online]. Title of the journal -in italics- year of publication, vol, number, beginning and end pages of the article [Date of the consultation]. Available at: <web address>.
One author
GUTIERREZ–HACES, Teresa. “La Inversión Extranjera Directa en el TLCAN” [en línea]. Economíaunam 2004, vol 1, nº 3, p. 23-42 [consulta 5/12/2014]. Disponible en: <>
"Article title -between quotation marks-" [online]. Title of the newspaper -in italics-. Publication date. [Date of consultation]. Available at: <web address>.
“Crisis hídrica en Mendoza: otro año en el que escasea el agua” [en línea]. Diario UNO. 31 oct 2014. [fecha de consulta: 18/02/2015]. Disponível em: < ar/mendoza/Crisis-hidrica-en-Mendoza-otro-ao-en-el-que-escasea-el-agua-20141031-0036.html>.
SURNAME -in uppercase-, Names of the author of the chapter. Title of the report -in italics- [online]. Place of publication: publisher, year. (Type of report) [Date of consultation]. Available at: <web address>.
Name of congress, conference or meeting in italics - (conference number, date and venue -between parentheses-) Title of the report [online]. Secondary responsibility. Place of publication: editorial, year [date of consultation]. Available at: <web address>.
SURNAME -in uppercase- Names of the author of the chapter. "Title of the presentation -between quotation marks-". In: Name of the congress, conference or meeting in italics- (conference number, date and venue -between parentheses-) Title of the minutes [online]. Secondary responsibility. Place of publication: publisher, year. Start and end pages. [Date of consultation]. Available at: <web address>.
SURNAME -in uppercase-, Names of the author of the chapter or NAME OF THE INSTITUTION -in uppercase-. "Title of the Web page" [online]. Date of revision/update if it appears on the page. [Date of consultation]. Available at: <web address>.
BRASIL. MINISTÉRIO DAS RELAÇÕES EXTERIORES. “Declaração conjunta Brasil-Paraguai” [online]. [acesso 07/02/2015]. Disponível em: <>.


Sending of manuscripts

The submission is made through the journal website:
Steps to follow
The author must enter the following information in step 3 of the submission procedure: (Introduction of submission metadata):
1. Title in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English;
2. Name of each author, followed by his institutional affiliation and title on the occasion of submission of work, ORCID (register en;
3. Electronic address of each author for correspondence of article procedures, including fax, telephone;
4.- In addition, the author should include a brief curriculum vitae in the Biographical Summary section in the corresponding field, which should not exceed 50 words, since it is incorporated in the publication by using the call. The current institutional affiliation must also be indicated.
5- Author contribution: each author should send its contribution signed followed by the manuscript.
Example: AA (author`s initials) developed the introduction.
BB (author`s initials) made the manuscript writing;
6- Financial support if the case. Add all the information required as name of the project, date, financial source, etc.;
7- Author`s conflict of interest. All authors should disclosure all the impediments if the case;
8- All thanks at the end of article, no more 20 words, and before the bibliography.

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