Articles should be written in Word, in Times New Roman font with 1.5 line spacing, size 12 for the main body and 10 for the abstract, and bibliographical references; table titles, photo captions, figures and footnotes 10.
Tables, graphs, equations and other elements must be inserted in the text. Photos must be original copies. At the same time, tables, graphs and figures must be submitted in separate format.
Tables must be processed in Microsoft Word, in separate files and must include: a) numbering of the table in Arabic numerals and consecutive numbers; b) corresponding statement (title) at the top, and c) table footnote, if appropriate for clarification of acronyms and abbreviations.
Graphs must be submitted in Excel file, including: a) numbering of the graph with Arabic numerals and consecutive numbers; b) corresponding statement (title) at the bottom, and c) footer of the graph, if applicable for clarification of data.
Photographs will be accepted in the usual high quality JPEG format. Black and white photographs shall have a minimum resolution of 300 dots per inch with a maximum of 2 MB.
Page setup is as follows: Paper size: custom, width 15.5 cm and height 22.5 cm. Top margin: 2.25 cm; bottom margin: 3.5 cm; left margin: 1.5 cm; right margin: 1.25 cm. Header 1.27 cm and footer: 2.42 cm.
Bibliographical citations should be clearly indicated in the text by successive numbers placed in parentheses and superscript on the same line and should be included at the end of the manuscript. The text of the articles should be concise and in a clear style. It is suggested to avoid colloquial style.
Authors must provide the following information:
- Details of each of the authors: full name(s) and surname(s); institutional affiliation: full name of the institution and department to which it belongs (from highest to lowest hierarchy), city and country. E-mail address of each author, Indicate author of correspondence, Orcid Id,
- Author's contribution: At the end of the text, the contribution of each author should be added. E.g. AA (author's initials) developed the methodological design; BB (author's initials) carried out the data collection and analysis; CC (author's initials) drafted the manuscript.
- Source of Funding: If applicable, state data such as project number and name, year and source of funding.
- Conflicts of Interest: Authors should indicate conflicts of interest if any.
- Acknowledgements: If any.
- Date of submission: Include the date of submission of the manuscript.
Bibliographical references should be adapted to Vancouver Style/Standards.
Bibliographic citations should be mentioned with Arabic numerals in parentheses and in superscript, in order of appearance in the article, separated by commas or hyphen in the case of covering very long consecutive references.
For articles published in journals: author(s), title, abbreviated journal name, year, volume (no.): pp. For books and conference proceedings: author(s), title, (editor when applicable), city, publisher; year. For maps: Title and type, authors. Institution/institutions, city; year.
For Internet journals: author, title, journal abbreviation [internet]. Year (date consulted); volume (no.): pp. Available: URL of the article. For book or monograph on the Internet: author, title [internet] vol edition. City. Publisher. Publisher. Year. Date of last update and date of access.
The articles will consist of the following sections:
Introduction where the problem will be stated, its relation with the current literature and the objectives and their scopes, which must be clearly stated. Materials and Methodologies with experimental or theoretical approaches. Results and discussion when relevant, the results will be presented in tables or diagrams. These will be analysed and discussed in the light of updated bibliographical references. Conclusion a brief recapitulation of the findings. Bibliographical references.
For the sake of brevity and clarity, authors are requested to pay careful attention to the following points: a) the length of the article should be in accordance with the adequately presented results and discussion of them. b) introductory sections should be brief. c) techniques, unless they are standard procedures referred to by reference, should be described in detail. Only when the methods used are original, detailed technical descriptions of the methods are given. d) bibliographical references must be up to date. |